A quizy thang borrowed from
evilgrins What do you think the most common letter in the English Language?
Have you ever worn shoes without socks?
Yes, little tennis shoes that are well broken in are more comfy without socks.
When was the last time you popped a mint?
yesterday, i think
Do you pop your gum?
Don't really like gum
Do you know how to play any instruments?
played violin forever ago, I doubt I can anymore.oh! I can do guitar hero! :D
Do you own an orange shirt?
Who do you want to be nominated as President of U.S. (e.g. Pitbull, John Mayer, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears)?
sure, anyone can screw up the country, why not one of them?
Do you use chapstick?
lip gloss!
How many water bottles do you consume a week?
I fill a giant cup full and refill it, a lot. I remember when places started selling single serving bottled water. I didn't understand it. people too lazy to fill a cup? Then I found I was too. But I have returned to a cup.
What is the best type of water (ex. Arrowhead, Fiji, Dasani)?
Use the tap, I'm not a water snob.
Where do you want to work while in College, if at all?
some place with no drama and as few people as necessary
Are you currently in debt?
I have bills like anyone
Do you paint your toe nails?
Off the top of your head, what do you think superfluous means?
something like too much, or overabundance ?
When writing essays, do you write in a notebook and then type it, or type it right out of your head?
i havent had an assigned essay in years. I have no idea. were that necessary, I'd probably type it out of my head
Up to what grade level of math would you say you've completed?
what ever that was right before calculus? I was in the honors algebra and geometry stuff in junior high.
Do you like bread ends?
that is one of my favorite parts! everyones mother that I knew would cut the crusts off, but its the yummiest part. I love the outside of the bread! YUM!
How many pieces of ham on a sandwich?
thin sliced? I'll take a pile of it and should be about an inch tall and look like an arby's roastbeef sandwich
What kind of cheese do you like?
sharp cheddar, or anykind really, and swiss, and provalone, and brie... OK, I'm a mouse.
Plain chocolate or stuffed with caramel or cherry?
I think just dark will do.
What is your purpose in life?
I think I am here to clean up messes and then move on the next one and the next. jobs, people, my house, my neighbors, my relatives.. I am somehow "the cleaner. "
How many area codes do you use, are you familiar with?
Do any of your siblings look like your twin?
Me , Myself and I are identical to us..
Would you ever wear an afro wig?
well, sure. can I wear my platform shoes and a cute skirt?
Have you ever donated your hair?
somehow, no
Do you put lotion on your tummy?
if its dry
What kind of lotion is your favorite?
watkins vanilla
What's your top best radio station for news?
i don't listen to the radio for news. but occasionally I catch NPR on the way home from work.
What was the last thing you heard on the news?
that we were supposed to have tornadoes
How often do you pick up the newspaper to read?
How many stripes does the flag have?
Who made the original 13 starred flag of the U.S.?
Betsy Ross
Have you ever heard a song by Pink Floyd?
yes and I prefer the older stuff, off Relics
How many blogs do you have?
I have 3 I think ,but I only really use one.
Have you ever used a sound as part of your password for anything (ex. kaboom, bowchiquiwowow)?
LoL! no
What's your dream car?
I want a Saturn Green line Hybrid, preferably the model that will come out which can be plugged in to power. ( I am waiting impatiently!)
Ninjas, Pirates, Thieves, or Politicians?
They all have i's and at least one eye
Have you ever wanted to have a hook for a hand?
um, no
Do you think you'll ever have a six pack?
of diet coke? no, I buy the 12 pack
Have you ever counted the number of stairs you've climbed, if so what was the number?
no, thats some obsessive compulsive I need to stay away from.
Have you ever worn cowboy boots?
i don't think I've ever had any , or worn any (does that make me a bad Texan? )
Who's Ralph Nader, and what did he do?
He likes to suss out corruption or bad practices in government stuff and industries. I don't follow politics and that stuff, its depressing.
Have you given up trying to find Waldo?
When I first found out I should be looking, it wasn't the thing anymore.
Ever played jacks?
Yes. and yes I am so old that jacks was part of the very small range of toys kids could choose to play with...
Do you think red lipstick is hot?
I think its too red.
What does "drop it like it's hot" mean?
it almost sounds like a drug reference, like to drop your contraband and run, but I'm sure it actually means drop your ass and wag it like a pole dancing ... nevermind, you get the picture
Have you ever named a part of your body?
i think most body parts are already named. toes, fingers...
What's the longest word you can remember right now?
Have you ever said "fine and dandy"?
pretty sure I have said that. hehe
What smiley face do you most often use?