"The Real Ghostbusters"

Nov 14, 2009 18:57

Now that I've sufficiently recovered from Wednesday,I can get back to regularly scheduled SPN reviews. I was particularly wary about this episode, but it was actually pretty entertaining.

Don't get me wrong, I do disagree with this episode in theory - I'm pretty sick of making fun of the fanbase, not because it isn't hilarious but because it takes away from the Apocalyptic storyline and feels very out of place and sort of like they're stalling. But I had to ignore all that to watch the episode.

Chuck was definitely hilarious in this episode. He was a bit pathetic a lot of the time, but made up for it by creaming that ghost and yelling at everyone. His interactions with Sam and Dean were awesome.

The worst part was SuperRandomPlotDevice courtesy of Becky. SO. LAZY. Really, guys, you can do better than THAT. It's especially bad because this kind of pulled-out-of-ass plot development (which I usually refer to as 'JK Rowling plot device') has become extremely common this season, but this one was just awful.

Ok, I thought the LARPing Sam and Dean gay couple were cute, even though it was an obvious joke aimed squarely at Wincesters. They were annoying Tat first but redeemed themselves. Also the scene LARPer ghost lady scene where her phone rang? Oh modern times. Ruining our ghost trickery. Those kids were fairly creepy. S & D should've known that taking out the mom was too easy.

There were too many guys for it too have been like a real SPN convention, but they did need to have male extras in order to have all the cosplayers. They're costumes were actually really good for 'players...

Next week: Finally back to the Apocalypse storyline. Cas had better live through it.


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