I have been pretty busy recently. Lots of things taking up my time and some of it making me very happy. My oldest friend came home from Toronto (she emigrated when we were nine) and she stayed with me for a few days. It was wonderful and hilarious and ultimately heart breaking. *g* We talk on the phone or via social networking when we can and we visit each other whenever funds and timing will allow. It always kills me to say goodbye but it's always so wonderful to see her. And, my brother got married. It was a gorgeous day. Both my brother and his wife have been through some very hard times and it's wonderful to see them so happy. They've fought very hard and earned every moment of happiness they've found.
I have a couple of photos to share that I took on the big day.
The bride and groom caught in a quiet moment:
Walking down the aisle:
Bride and bridesmaid after the ceremony:
Waiting to be introduced to the room:
C (my friend home from Toronto) and I at the wedding (this is the only pic I didn't take. S took it on my camera). Check out my shoes, they are awesome shoes - just don't ask why I'm holding a tree; I have no clue, it was S's idea. *g*
Hope you're all happy and well, dearest Flist.