At least, I think it is. I've just come across this random analysis tool that scans your word choice and writing style and compares it with famous authors. It then gives you the closest matching result to your style. First I put in an excerpt from
The Velveteen Doctor and got this:
I write like
Arthur Conan DoyleI Write Like by Mémoires,
journal software.
Analyze your writing! So, I wanted to know how much was based on content, seeing as The Velveteen Doctor is a Sherlock story. I put in a few paragraphs of a Merlin/Arthur story called
All the White Horses and I got this:
I write like
Douglas AdamsI Write Like by Mémoires,
journal software.
Analyze your writing! In conclusion, I have no clue what it really means and suspect it's all crap but it was a fun distraction for a few minutes.