Oct 20, 2011 13:58
So, I'm having a good few days - no, I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely am having a good few days. It's been a while but I'm having fun so I thought I'd share.
I've booked a sooper-sekret Christmas/Birthday present for my best mate (who is also on LJ so I won't mention what it is until after Christmas!!) And it's very cool and very exciting and not until APRIL - Zomg, so far away!!
I've booked a short trip to Reykjavik with my Momma for a bit of Mother-Daughter catch-up time and I'm so excited I could squee. I love Reykjavik very, very much and I can't wait to take my Momma there and show her how awesome it is. We're going to (hopefully) do some whale watching while we're there too. Cannot wait!!!
I'm off to Warwick Castle with one of my favourite people in the whole world next Saturday night. We're going to the Halloween/After Dark thingy and I love that sort of thing - I get really swept up in it and do the girly/screamy/OMG-y thing because it amuses the crap out of me! Really looking forward to that! Though it is, as yet, undecided as to who will be hiding behind whom. *g*
Also, the Christmas concert that I'm co-directing is going well so far and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself and loving all the folks we have in our cast!
And, I'm working on the script for 'In Two Minds' which I'm directing. We start rehearsing soon and I'm looking forward to that too!!
It's all systems go.
Also, loving - LOVING - Castle at the moment - how awesome?!
And, I just had a conversation with a full-blooded Muggle work colleague/friend that went like this:
A: Oh my, I watched that episode of Supernatural - and the way Dean and Cas were looking at each other, I thought they were going to kiss.
Me: Yeah...?
A: Yeah, I really did. I actually wanted them to. Is that weird?
Me: Heh, not at all. Now, let me send you a link...*g*
And, and, I just ogled that picture of Christian Kane with a puppy so cute that I actually looked past CK!!
Love you, my dear flist. Hope you're all happy and well and finding plenty of joy in your lives!
ramblings - me stuff