Words on Things

Jun 05, 2014 15:45

Resulting from the meme. This is very, very rough and things I haven't really touched on yet in the Forged by Fire series. Well some things I have I guess, but these scenes/drabble are for the most part fresh.

Sray=protagonist, she is part-bred, meaning half human and half Clamon.
Kallon=Sray's younger brother.
(Hafitch) Danrick Mishor= Hafitch is a title, he oversees the Eniegema school.
Clamon=A race of large, gliding marsupials (yes, loosely based on sugar gliders) that can control kinetic energy (cool, heat, electric) and can also assume Human form.
Brotherhood of the Mime= Secret society that seeks out and trains people who can perceive Mime structures. Some day I may decide to rename it, but Mime still seems appropriate as the structures can't be seen by normal people (like a Mime in a box, but instead of the box being imaginary it's real).
Hafitch Tridan=Leader of another Mime school. Not a good guy.
Gordieen=Leader of the entire Brotherhood of the Mime

That might help, but
"I don't know why you stay there after what they did. After what they did to ME."

"It should be obvious by the last three years that they have the potential to accept us where no one else will."

"And you should see that they are the same as they were at the Day of No Shadows! Kidnapping, torture, your own brother, Sray! Me!"

It took weeks for Kallon to recover. Breaking him out of Terran used what little strength he had left and he slept for three days. Home was too far and didn't have the medical expertise that he needed. So Eniegema it was, where the nurses whispered past in their pale, grey robes and Sray sat and fretted, wringing her hands and glancing at each face that passed, looking for some hope and encouragement.

Mishor was gone, away to the Gordieen to address Hafitch Tridan's actions and see that there were consequences. Such a man did not need to be leading a school. Such a man did not need to hold power in the Brotherhood. It was early yet, no telling what this will cause. All that Teigan knew was that his son was missing. Not who took him, not where he went. Certainly the Clamon might have guessed, but there was no confirmation yet and Hafitch Mishor wished it to stay that way until action could be taken. Punishment, even retribution.

They had so many years without war Mishor was determined to keep it that way. A step further, he was determined to bring peace back between man and Clamon. Sray was the first step. A part-bred Clamon among the Brotherhood of the Mime. A part-bred Clamon living among Humans openly. She had her rough patches, but it was not without provocation. While prejudice lingered there was at least grudging respect.

Now Kallon ... he had been so close, his file was started. He could sense Mime structures, but Tridan had been too quick. Just a few more months and Kallon could have been at Eniegema, but Tridan had drawn Kallon outside of Eniegema's bounds where Mishor had no eye on him, where he had no juristiction.

It wouldn't matter. Tridan would see justice. As Mishor had convinced the Gordieen of the wisdom in bringing Sray into the Brotherhood, he will convince him of the damage that Tridan and his people have done in detaining Kallon. They did not need the Clamon rallying and engaging in another war because Tridan was determined to repeat history, the very darkest parts of the Brotherhood's history.

But it wasn't enough for there to simply be no fighting. It wasn't enough because of the dragons. The alliance of man and Clamon had driven the dragons out and made it possible for both races to move beyond a simple hunter/gatherer existance.

Kallon stirred. Sray lept to his side. "Kallon? Can you hear me? It's Sray. You are safe."

His eyes cracked open and slowly focused on his sister. "Where am I?"

"Eniegema. I don't thi-Kallon!" When the name registered Kallon tried to jump out of the bed.

"No! I am not, NOT stay-"

"Kallon!" Sray shoved him back down. "You are in no shape to go anywhere!" He tried rising again and she shoved him firmly into the mattress by his shoulders. He struggled to get up, but then softened under Sray's hands.

He glared up at her. "I am not staying with the same filth that locked me up."

"They are not the same people, Kallon. Hafitch Mishor is the one that made it possible for you to get OUT. You would still be there if it were not for him."

This may make more sense if you check out my community for lemyes.

writing, lemyes

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