Time to Get Cracking

Aug 18, 2013 18:36

I just finished reading Digger. I am slightly embarrassed at how quickly I read it, but I am very easily sucked into visual narratives. So long as the writing is descent. The art can be a little iffy, but if the writing is bad I don't care how pretty the pictures are.

Anyway, having read a long, epic story gets me itching to get at Shifting Times again. Digger is proof that there are some stories that write themselves without much pre-planning. Of course it takes a genius mind to do it and I don't think I'm that person, but if someone can get a 750+ page story out start to finish over the course of four years perhaps I can get at least Part One: Merging Worlds done of Shifting Times in the next five.

Of course I need to figure out my format, medium, and decide if anything needs to be re-written. I'm pretty happy with most of the script thusfar, but the first few pages may need some tweaking.

I still plan on getting those last few pages of the first chapter inked so there's some vague closure before I completely reboot the thing. I have gotten more done on the script the past month than I have the last two years. So that's encouraging. Onward!

shifting times, writing

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