Scribbling Away

May 04, 2013 21:28

I've been writing a lot this week. Writing begets more writing it appears. I just need to find time to sit down at the computer and type it up in my master files because I mistype constantly on both my phone and the iPad, dang touchscreens. With my old phone I only really had typo issues when I was wearing my gloves.

Anyways, is there interest in my fantasy fiction snippets? I'll be posting mostly in their respective groups, but I may throw some of it here as I did earlier.

I actually managed my final edit of Shifting Times: Prequel (i need a better title...) so there's something off of my resolution list. Part of me says I could do more for it, but I think it's something that I just need to set aside and let it age because I don't have the time or energy to compketely rebuild the thing.

I'm also fiddling with Forged By Fire, a lot of it pertaining to Kallon because he's apparently fun to write for.

Now I just need to get drawing just as much....

The stucco guys better get moving. They didn't do anything yesterday and didn't show up until noon today (and spent the first half hour watching me with students and the horses). They were thinking about calling an inspection for Monday, which means they'll have to be here tomorrow or push us back another day.

writing, house

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