Have Some Writing

Apr 24, 2013 14:20

Mostly lemyes stuff.

Could Mishor see the dragon threat? Did he recognize that the prolonged break with the Clamon would leave Man vulnerable to the dragons, the Klezmier specifically. He knew the hisrory, that was for sure, his background and training was as a historian.

"And what happens, Tridan, if the dragons retake their home territory?"

"Dragons? Dragons, Mishor! You are talking fairy tales and impossibilities. There have been no dragon threats to any of Alast for centuries."

"That is because we have been allied with the Clamon for even longer. Do you not recall that it was the joint force of Clamon and Man that drobe them back? How long do you rhink it will take before some young, bored rogue wanders down and realizes that the great alliance that turned his people back and banished them to the wild reaches of the continent is no more?"


The Lemy were happy to eat the occasional animal from a herdman. They learned that humans themselves were troublesome and would seek out a human slayer. That and humans just didn't taste as good and weren't much meat for the trouble they caused. Klezmier, however enjoyed tormenring humans for sporr and were also fascinated by thw shiny things they made (treasure hoarders). Their tendency to live in larger groups made them even more troublesome to humans.


Aren't you proud to be Getier? To be Clamon?

I hide because I must. I do not tell them because they would kill me.


"Don't touch my tools." Kallon turned from his anvil. The other, younger apprentice, seeking to bait his counterpart, snuck over and snatched Kallon's unattended tongs. He immediately regretted it, crying out as he dropped the offending instrument, which sparked as it hit the floor. Kallon rushed back at the aound to find hia fellow apprentice crumpled to the floor clutching his hand, the offending tongs dropped beneath Kallon's anvil.

"I told you, Jaim!" Kallon growled. "You don't tocu my tools!"

The other apprentice whimpered. Kallon grabbed him under an arm and hauled him to his feet. "You just set it down. You weren't weaeing gloves, how could it be so hot? My hand is burned."

Kallon grabbed Jaim's wrist and looked, wrinkling his lip in disgust before grabbing a rag and dropping it in the water bucket, usually reserved for hot metal. Jaim squeaked as Kallon grabbed his hand again and did a few rough wraps around the injured limb. Kallon bent and picked up the tongs, pointing them accusingly, "don't touch!"

Kallon's fires always stayed hotter, his metal stayed pliable unusually long. His master noted it, but did not question it further, perhaps assuming the apprentice had figured out some trick with the bellows. His fellow apprentices wondered and were at times annoyed when they had to return to the fire time and again where Kallon did not. When it was noted aloud Kallon tried to keep an eye on when the others would have to reheat their work.

Blacksmithing was good for Kallon. He was able to channel some of his anger and frustration. It also helped him better learn how to control his ability. He always had power. He was always able to create large bursts of heat or flame, but being able to control it beyond the initial flash was missing until his apprenticeship.


"Kallon, you stink. What have you been doing?" Sray crinkled her nose. He grumbled something unintelligible as he pulled the pillow over his head and curled deeper into his sheets.

"Is that alcohol I smell?" She leaned in closer before recoiling. "Ug! You're lucky Bema and Taffa didn't come in here first. Out of bed! You need to scrub that stench off of you." She grabbed the corner of the sheets and leaned into it, slowky sliding him across the bed. Kallon growled and clutched the mattress. Sray turned away and put her shoulder into it, her efforts followed by a satisfying "whump" as the mattress and it's occupant hit the floor. "I just hope you didn't drink enough to so something stupid. Come on," she nudged him with her foot, "go clean up and I'll take care of this."

Kallon growled something that Sray pretended was "thanks," and reluctantly extracted himself from his bedding.


I think Sray has a descent relationship with her brother. A little exasperated with him at times, but she relates better to him than either of their parents can. Sray belongs by being self-contained. She spent more time among the Clamon growing up and moving to a human settlement was easier for her. She had some friends among the Clamon, but didn't really try to find any more among humans. She had her parents, brother, and sister Janef, which was enough for her. Kallon was more social. He wants to belong somewhere, but having to hide his true self, being half Clamon was a source of frustration, anger, and resentment. When they first moved to Jon he tried to run away several times. He did find some friendship among the other young men of Jon.

He was lucky and not at the same time. His friends introduced him to alcohol, which is not a good thing for a hot-headed young half-Clamon who has a lot of power, but not so much control. He was lucky because when he slipped up he was among his friends and they simply accepted him, rather than exposing or a number of other things they could have done. They had his back and he had theirs despite the trouble the group of them constantly got themselves into. But what else do boys do in a small town on the edge of civilization?

I need to write more.

writing, lemyes

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