Birthday, Holiday, and Back to Work

Jul 07, 2012 10:45

Chris took his birthday and up through Wednesday off last week. I reshuffled lessons so I had hi birthday and the 4th off to have a few days of him, Tristan and I. Monday we went and acquired a paintball gun. Chris has been toying with the idea of it for a couple years now actually. Hurra for frivolous birthday money! (Plus holiday pay!). Chris thoroughly enjoyed shooting up a board behind the house. The horses weren't terribly happy with the noise at first, it's good desensitizing for them. It is pretty fun to shoot, actually! I may consider getting one myself eventually (Christmas or birthday perhaps). It's nice seeing Chris getting into something and enjoying it.

This last week we also received the solar charger and the wire to get Jed's turnout set up. Poor Jed has been stuck in his stall for a couple weeks (it does have a run, but still) because he has descemated the fence panels. Most specifically the panels attempting to keep him and the trees separated. They look like a truck ran over them so we sat down and figured out that it was about the same to get a solar charger and more wire to electrify it as it was to replace the panels, which he's probably going to destroy again anyway. So the fence is hot and Jed's turnout didn't get altered at all last night despite him finally being turned out in it.

Cinnamon has also discovered the electric fence and Chris said she's touch it, get zapped, spin away, do the flehmen response (curl her upper lip, something horses do when they want to analyze a smell better), and then investigate again, rinse, repeat. Wierd horse.

I have a commission I've been working on and hope to finish next week. I've taken too long eith it really, but what one should be able to accomplish and what one can accomplish with an infant are two entirely different things! Especially when he doesn't want to nap. Once I finish with that I'll post that and some other things here.

I've been having some itching to redo Shifting Times, but I promised myself to get the first chapter finished first. Of course that shouldn't stop me from starting some re-writing and thumbnailing... The most important visual change will be visually treating it as a book rather than just individual pages, which will change some things, I think. I'm trying to figure out if I might want to do it all traditionally or not. I also just had the thought that maybe I should do landscape format rather than portrait...

Anyway, just some thoughts rattling around in my head.

horses, kashian

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