Ask a "Mormon"

Jun 13, 2012 13:39

With Mitt Romney running for president the LDS church is in the news again as it was with the issues with the Fundamentalist (FLDS) a few years ago I feel it's a good time to open this up.

Other than Islam (in the US at least) there probably isn't a more misunderstood religion. To do my part in helping to dispel some of the myth and mystery surrounding the church I am open for questions. I don't care how serious or silly I will answer to the best of my ability. I've heard some really interesting misconceptions so don't feel like you're going to offend me or anything so long as it is in the spirit of learning.

I always thought that if you're trying to understand something you need to go to the source. Part of the reason I'm reading the Qur'an. You wouldn't ask a plumber how to change your car's oil, why would you ask your pastor (bishop, rabbi, priest) about another church?

So ask away!


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