... Dang

Mar 11, 2011 15:56

I've taught over 100 students already this year. I can't simply say "lessons" anymore as I now have a couple of pairs and a group I am teaching. I have taught more students in the last two and a half months than I did in the first five of last year. If I keep this up I should be able to get the card paid off before may *fingers crossed* and start saving again. FINALLY.

January was my best month ever, this month might be even better than that.

Of course this is all on paper. My account doesn't feel particularly prosperous, but that is mostly because of the $550 hole created by having the truck. Well, technically it's less than that, but I roundup to the nearest $50.

If I maintain this level of work I will be able to climb out of the slight hole I've been wallowing in. Hopefully I don't lose a bunch of people come summer. Summer's always slow. Fortunately hay is cheaper in summer and Charm-N should be in Utah then so one less mouth to feed.

In other news. In case you've been wondering what has been occupying most of my time, apart from teaching riding lessons, THIS would be the thing.

I took up the charge of redesigning the website of the woman we purchased Kitt from in exchange for a driving harness for Kitt. Just one little section left to go, unfortunately it's a rather time-consuming section, but it's going to be a nice little site for her business. I don't even know how many hours I've poured into it fussing with code to make it work across browsers as well as getting the things she wanted to work, but it's going to be worth it! I just have to clear a good five or six hours out of a day so I can drive Kitt out there to have her fitted and give Wendy a bit of a crash-course in how to work the website.

Once Kitt has her own harness I can start using her in my driving lessons. While the meadowbrook would need some work to get it serviceable, Kitt is the right size for my instructor's cart and she already said I could bring Kitt out to do my lessons with, mwah ha ha! I just need to long-line Kitt for a bit first to get used to her in the driving capacity as I haven't done much with her in that line. She's been great under saddle and should be much the same driving, just might take a little to remind her of the job.

Chewy, our Haflinger mare is going to be 20 years old next month! We're going to throw her a little party and all my students, both current and past, are going to be invited. Chris made up some invites for me to hand out and mail. Here's to hoping the little mare sticks around for another decade or two!

work, riding lessons, horse

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