Well There Goes That Idea

Aug 24, 2010 17:50

Yesterday was probably the grossest day we've had yet. Today wasn't much better, but at least there was some cloud cover here and there.

The game plan was do be done with all horsieness by 9.00 and then retreat inside until this evening when I would have a lesson and feed horses. No such luck.

I called the Farrier Monday about the two new horses we brought down this weekend (yes they're here and safe and sound. I'll have to post pictures later this week) and he called me back today saying he'd be here around 10.00, there goes being inside by nine. I did manage to fill a garbage can, work Kitt at the horsepark (and hose her off), and feed everyone (including myself) before 9.00. I hosed off the Percheron pair and was interrupted while cleaning Jed (he's the gelding) by a guy that stopped off the side of the road. We chatted for a bit, and turns out he had a pair of grey horses in the draft show last year and lives just down the road from our Vet. He and Chris actually met at the show, though I didn't get the chance to meet him myself. Anyway, he went off to finish his errands and the Farrier showed up not long after.

It took him a good hour and a half to do Jed's feet, maybe a bit more. He had the big show-style shoes on him that are supposed to accentuate his action (movement) and make him look flashy. They really just put stress on their legs and destroy their feet, but that's just me ... and my farrier ... and Gayland C. (the guy who dropped by) .... So I held Jed while Bill worked at getting the gelding's feet a more reasonable size. They still have a ways to go, but one can only do so much in one trimming. We're keeping his old shoes, because they're just massive things and rather impressive to look at. The mare didn't take nearly so long as she was just a trim, but did fidget a bit.

Following that I had my car washed (and now it looks like it might storm ... of course), picked up some food and final things for making a meal for my visiting teachee (husband had brain surgery and needed some help with dinners for the week), and headed home to polish off the horses (lunch) as well as making said food.

And now I must be off! I really need to try and finish another two illustrations for Mom this week, which will make me breathe easier on some other things. Today was, of course, blown, but there is always tomorrow!


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