First Saddling

Jul 25, 2010 16:19

I now have a Zetahra icon. I am amused.

She has such an expressive face and part of it is due to her stark white scelera (sp?), almost like what you see in Appaloosas.

Anyway, Chris and I did our usual routine of measuring Z to see how much she's grown over the week (it's a Sunday ritual, much like going to church) and I decided to pull out the little beater saddle. Cinnamon was about three months when we tossed the beater on her for the first time and figured at three-and-a-half months Z was ready for her first experience.

She wasn't too keep on the pad, actually she was perfectly fine with it until she wandered off on me and it fell off (right in their potty spot, of course). Then I fussed with her a bit and deemed it would go easier if I actually put the halter on it. Retrieving the halter the process went much easier because now she couldn't wander off and hide behind Panda.

It's obvious it doesn't fit her quite yet. It was up as tight as it could go and still had a bit of slop, but the purpose wasn't really to keep it on her, just to introduce her to some of the weird stuff people do to horses. She was a good sport about it as I lead her in a couple circles in their little turn out and then promptly took it off.

She's well on her way to being a good saddle horse!

Finishing up putting it on. Ruby is looking a bit disgruntled and Panda's watching on. Z's listening intently to what's going on behind her head.

Tada! It's on!

Standing out in the sun. Zetahra and I exchanging some whisperings.

She's leading a lot better than she did when we first started a couple months ago!

She didn't really think much of the saddle. I'd turn her loose with it, but again, it isn't secure. So a short walk and we were done.

pictures, horse

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