Riding Instructor E-mail Scam

Jul 04, 2010 12:26

And I thought it was just Nigerians and people trying to rip off classic car owners.

E-mails follow:

Dear Cori,

I am pleased to contact you, My name is Adam Albert, from Marseille, France. I saw your profile as Horse Riding Instructor, hence, my purpose of contacting you.

I mail to confirm if my 14yrs old son (Paul) can join you in your tutor so that you can teach him how to Ride . I so much would love his dreams to come true as a very good Horse Rider and I am ready to support him both morally and financially.

I will want you to give me the price of the tutor for 6 months as I will want the tutor to hold 3 times in a week and last for 1 hour daily.Note that my son once had a tutor in April who lost his wife in a car accident and decided to stop teaching in order to take proper care of his family.

Additionally, please give me your address or the address of where you normally teach your students, so that I can have idea of where the lessons will be taking place, as we are presently out of the US, but arrangement have been concluded for Paul to come to United States.

Awaiting your swift response.

Best Regards

Adam Albert

Dear Mr. Albert,

Thank you for your interest in my riding lessons. If you don't mind my asking, where did you find my information? I like to keep track for business purposes.

I charge $30 for an hour private lesson. Most of my students choose the pay-as-you-go option while others prefer to pay a lump sum at the beginning of the month. So at three lessons a week for a month (assuming four weeks in a month) would come to $360.

We are located in Queen Creek, approximately 50 miles SoutEast of Phoenix to give you a rough idea as you didn't say where you would be coming from.

We could arrange a day and time to come out and get a better idea of what we have to offer before starting lessons if you like.

Thank you for your time,


Dear Cori,

Thank you for your prompt response and your readiness to give Paul, my son riding lesson. Paul has elementary education and speaks good english, he is a fresher (a beginner), just enrolled for two weeks with the other teacher, I mentioned this in my first email, so he is a fresher and he is having all the proper riding clothing. At the moment I want him to learn how to ride for 6 months, thereafter we shall know what next line of action would be, but definately he is going to go further. Paul is ready when you are and I am equally ready to give him all my support. I spoke with an instructor in Brugge Schulle Farm he would suggest twice a week lesson for a begginer like Paul, so I want us to settle for this if you dont mind. Moreso, lesson time can be flexible, so when you are away, a make up lesson can be arranged upon your return. I got your details from Brugge schulle local farm in Belgium....

I want to believe this is the location lesson shall be taking place,as I have already told Paul about this and he is ready to start, I have equally sent it to my Cousin, Steve, that stays in your locality and he said to me that it's ok, he shall be driving Paul to the lesson and will be picking him up after each class; he is presently out of town to Australia and he should be back any moment from now and will come together with Paul for the first lesson.

I am impressed by the description of yourself as an instructor and would be glad if you train my son.I want to believe you are the type of an instructor for him at this level.You will not only teach him how to ride but will also be his role model, I hope you understand what I mean, as in helping to give him a good shape based on your experience.

As for the price, please send to me the total amount for six months (twice a week), name to write on your check, the address to send it to and your phone numbers. I guess a US bank certified check is alright. Paul will be ready to leave the moment am able to conclude this arrangement with you, that is finding a good instructor for him.

Like I said, I am presently living in France due to work, I travel a lot and would like to conclude the whole arrangement before Mark would come down,only Paul would be coming and will stay with my Cousin, Steve. It is good for me to send the payment to you from here, as soon as I have the details from you.I will do just that and Paul will commence with the lesson immediately.

Looking forward to receiving your swift response.

Best Regards,

Adam Albert

I admit, I probably shouldn't have responded, but I was curious as to how he got my contact information. Obviously it was not at a stable in Belgium, that's for sure! I also would never accept six months worth of lesson costs up front. That would be entirely too ridiculous for words.

Not to mention that there are plenty of riding facilities over in Europe that would offer a more than adequate education for a lot less!

Anyway, be amused, I know I am. I sent an E-mail to ARIA so that perhaps they can get some more word out and also forwarded it to the government spam/scam alert e-mail.
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