Food for Thought on Immigration

May 18, 2010 15:04

Just a little something to think about while people are in an uproar and boycotting Arizona for implementing an immigration law that over 60% of the country agrees with ( Read more... )

politics, rambling, horse

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Comments 4

armaina May 18 2010, 22:38:51 UTC
Personally I just have issues with the citizen process as a whole. I don't think there'd be as much identity theft if the people that actually wanted to live here and work could get a work visa easier. I mean, when people from Canada and Europe can't even get citizenship here after they have been married here for years, you know there is a problem with the system ( ... )


lantairvlea May 20 2010, 17:49:00 UTC
I do agree that both the citizenship and the immigration process needs some work. Ola has been actively trying to get hers squarerd away since she got married, which I think is coming on three years. My sister-in-law has been married for five years and still just has a green card. She just missed out being "grandfathered in" because her mother got her citizenship after Bea turned 18.

Apparently our corporation commissioner sent LA a letter letting them know that they can boycott AZ goods is they want, but that would include the 20%+ of their power that they get from us. I think they are reconsidering that action, heh.

Yeah, I think most people fail to realize all the really bad baggage that comes from illegal immigration and people working illegally and that is what really bothers me I guess.

Yes, there could be abuse of the law, but there can be abuse of any law. I heard that they are at least going to put officers through some sort of training to discourage racial profiling and help them better understand how the law should


velessa May 19 2010, 21:45:37 UTC
I completely agree with you. Had quite a long discussion about it in my journal, and I enjoyed another rant about it here. I just don't think people who don't live in Arizona and don't deal with this stuff all the time really "get" it, and what a problem it is (I don't live in Arizona myself, but my uncle does, and California has many similar issues).


lantairvlea May 22 2010, 00:17:17 UTC
Interesting stuff!

I think part of my irritation about the whole thing is that they're automatically labeling the people who support the law as racist lunatics. That and people who are supposedly championing for the immigrants fail to mention, or possibly even to realize, the inhumane conditions and abusive situations that are occurring because of illegal immigration.

It just makes me want to flail my arms and tear my hair out. We just need to make coming here legally easier than doing it illegally. Part of the reason people do it "the wrong way" is because they feel like it's easier than the "right way," which is just all types of messed up. Either make the laws harsher or make immigration easier, as an individual state we only have the former option and we're trying to do the best with what we have.


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