O Panda Mare continued

Apr 08, 2010 06:48

Sing to the tune of "O Christmas Tree"

O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?
O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?

You've been munching on all the green,
You have no babe as yet we've seen.
O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?

O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?
O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?

Your belly is so big and fat,
You haven't foaled-what's up with that!
O Panda mare, O Panda mare,
When will you be foaling?

O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?
O Panda mare, O Panda mare
When will you be foaling?

It's taken near a full year long
to have this foal, and thus this song!
O Panda mare, O Panda mare,
When will you be foaling?

In other news, Ruby got her foot caught in the fence today and took half the arena with her. She's had this bad habit of standing on the gate/beating on the fence around breakfast and dinner time. She's rather impatient for food. Well, today I guess her foot slipped between the bars and got stuck. I heard the commotion (was trying to read a little), hurriedly threw on some outside clothes and ran outside to help. She wasn't too cooperative and it was good and wedged at the corner of the panel (we have "porta-panel" fencing that is linked together by pins so it moves and gives). As I was trying to unwedge her foot, decided that wasn't going to work and started removing the pins from the panel Ruby had had enough again and set back, lifting the group of panels off the ground and managing to dislodge her foot.

I checked her leg and she doesn't have any outward damage, but she was limping a bit heading in to eat breakfast. I'll check on her again in a bit, hopefully it's just sore from getting jammed in the corner of the panel and, well, dragging a quarter of the arena back in on itself (Belgian Draft Horse at work).

I have training at 9 and after that there should be some hay delivered. Following that I will be going out with Mom and Opa on a trail ride with Sahara. Oma and Opa got in last night and they're leaving Saturday. He finally gets to see what I've been doing with his horses, yay!

In still other news I now have my computer back and can start typing my questions for the ARIA exam instead of writing them out by hand. And working on computer art. YAY!

Better check on the big lady and get her and Panda the Bermuda portion of their ration

panda, songs, horse

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