Still No Foal

Mar 29, 2010 09:15

Panda is holding onto that baby, that's for sure! Saturday she had some physical changes that brought our hopes up that she might foal soon(ish). Her mammary secretions are starting to yellow a little and her udders are getting quite large, but her haunch muscles are still a bit tense. She was kicking and biting at her belly yesterday, but it turned out to just be flies pestering her.


We're at day 345 now. I'm hoping she foals soon and without complications.

She has gained another inch around her belly since we measured her last week. Hopefully we won't be spending next Sunday measuring her belly again and will have a foal frolicking around! The constant questioning "has she had it yet?" does get a little wearing. Saturday night was the first time I got up a couple times to check on her during the night, and again Sunday. No signs, but doesn't keep me from looking for them! Part of me still hopes she'll just kindof do it all on her own and walking out to find a little nickering surprise in the morning. I do worry about Panda's less-than-trusting view of people and the risk of the foal being rejected because of our presence. It should be fine, but again, doesn't stop me from worrying about it!

In other news: This is my cousin Erik.

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family, horse

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