Resolution Review and Revival

Jan 01, 2010 14:38

Prognosis confirmed, sinus infection. Solution? Antibiotics and being effectively banished to the house. Lots of sitting around, scanning, doing some vague scribbling on Shifting Times, and reading some books on horse training. I finished "The Bit and Reins" by Gerhard Kapitzke, which was quite good, but isn't about training, more the use of the bit and reins and how they affect the horse. I've started on "Training the Horse in Hand" by Alfons Dietz, one that I've started before, but have been distracted by school and other such things. That's one of those things that I'd really like to learn and become proficient at, work in hand (using long lines, etc.).

Anyway! Back to the purpose of the post:

I will draw daily, doesn't matter what it is! Moderate success. I've been very productive (especially in the first half of the year), but haven't drawn daily.
I will FINISH a piece every month, no matter how large or small. Success! There was a while there when I was finishing a piece a week actually! Actually there was a time when I was doing two pieces a week. That was quite cool.
I will continue to develop my ink line drawings, they are a blast and I want to turn it into something awesome. This was a resounding success. There's still more to explore, but I am very happy with how it has developed!
I would really like to finish Chapter One of Shifting Times. I would need to do more than one page some months, but I really want to make this happen. Abject failure. I finished six pages.

I will start showing, I'd like to attend (compete in) at least two this Spring. While it didn't happen in the Spring, I did attend two shows this past fall! Technically I didn't "compete" as I attended for "schooling" and wasn't judged, but I think it still counts.
I will ride or work with horses at least twice a week outside of giving or taking lessons. I think I managed to do pretty well with this.
I will have Cinnamon Strudel at least greenbroke before the end of the year. Not quite, but fairly close. She can walk and trot under saddle, but no canter yet.
I will help Panda get over some of her nervousness/fear. Pretty successful. She got a lot of miles (which she needed) this year. I'm quite happy with where she's at right now.
I will do more ground work. Marginal, didn't help that I had no round pen for half the year either.
I will drive more (wouldn't take much to accomplish...). Rousing success! I started taking driving lessons and, hopefully, will soon start driving my own horses!

Continue to keep in contact with people, part of this will consist of mailing birthday cards. Failure.
I will write letters to anyone who writes me as well as those who do not. None to shabby, though I didn't write to anyone at random (unless you count a couple of Christmas cards) I did well with the pen-pal thing.

I will finish reading the Book of Mormon in German. Did poorly ... but hey! I'm getting close! After two years of being stuck in Alma I made it to (and just about through) Helaman!
I will read, no, study, the scriptures daily. Marginal.
I want to at least start reading the Qur'an. Failed, though I think I picked it up once... .

I will graduate! This makes me so happy! Success!

I want to update at least monthly and get at least my main site "finished." Fail

I will create lesson plans and start teaching art. Mostly failed ... no, pretty much failed.
I want to be able to sustain myself on my income (mostly I want to be able to take care of all the equine expenses myself without relying on boarding my mom's horses). Not bad. It would have worked out without the large expense of the shade this year. However things were worked out so that I get paid board rather than simply she pays for my horse's food. Much better arrangement.

I will write five minutes a day at least. ... Did pretty bad on this one as I have in the past.
I will do at least one post a week in at least one of my community projects. Started out okay, but deteriorated pretty quickly.

Of course one of the things on the list last year was to print it out and place it somewhere prominent so I'd see it on a regular basis, which didn't happen. So considering I wasn't reminded I did pretty good overall.

Resolutions for 2010

The really cool thing is that "School" is not on this list!

I will draw daily, be it sketching or working on a larger piece. I need to keep the juices going without the regiment of classes.
Have a finished piece every month.
I will finish Chapter One of "Shifting Times." I have absolutely no excuses on this one. I was a bit wishy-washy with the wording last year.
Do more Photography.

I will compete in at least one show, not just schooling.
I will ride or work two horses a day five days a week (on average).
I will have Cinnamon Strudel at least greenbroke before the end of the year and out on trails!
I will make Kitt a cantering fool!
I will do more ground work.
I will drive my own horses!
Hopefully have a healthy, happy foal on the ground in March and will commence raising it up the right way, including lots of ponying, playing, and a good foundation started.

Continue to keep in contact with people, part of this will consist of mailing birthday cards.
I will write letters to anyone who writes me as well as those who do not.

I will finish reading the Book of Mormon in German.
I will read, no, study, the scriptures daily.
I want to at least start reading the Qur'an.
Start reading the Ensign/Liahona (Church magazine for US and international).

Finish all the base content for my website and start updating it monthly.

I will start substitute teaching at least, perhaps try to get involved or start up some sort of art program, however I do realize that I am leaning more and more towards horses as far as "work" goes.
I want to advertise and become more known. Do more than just word-of-mouth.
I would like to average 8-10 lessons a week.
Get more organized, do those certificate things, redesign business card.
Join ARIA, start working towards becoming a certified riding instructor.

I will write five minutes a day at least.
I will do at least one post a month in at least one of my community projects.

Self/General Life:
I will go through my stuff and purge. I have things sitting around that I've been meaning to use/do something with for a long time. A lot of it can just go.
Get more organized and maintain it.
Find somewhere to put my paintings. They've been leaning against the bookself for far too long and have multiplied!

Print this out this year so I can actually check things off as they're accomplished!

resolution, new years

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