Back-Track a Moment

Jan 21, 2009 06:14

So Monday I took Panda out and rode up to the new Equestrian Park that opened Saturday. We got to the corner and stopped at the stop-sign for a bit, watching traffic. A guy pulled over and got out of his car, waved, and started marching up towards us, saying something about being lost. This was apparently too much for Panda to handle and she spun and took off back towards the house. I, once again, was annoyed, forgot to say whoa, and it took me a bit to get myself in a good position to pull her head around. I turned her back in the direction we came and trotted her smartly back up the street. I was rather determined that she march right forward and, looking back, I'm rather impressed that she hardly deviated course even as dogs were barking at us and running back and forth as we went back.

I asked her to halt and she stood as I gesticulated and told the guy he was about 40 miles away from where he wanted to be. He was trying to get to Payson .... I'm glad he asked for directions because he was quite lost.

Anyway, the rest of the ride to the park was rather uneventful, though as I got to the entrance I had a slight dilemma, I was on one side of the barricades and caution tape that was next to the road, and I didn't want to essentially ride in the street to get in, but there were two signs and one of those portable massive flood lights that made getting in a bit of a squeeze. Rather than pushing it and risking Panda spooking, whipping around, and running me, or both of us, into a sign, I dismounted and walked her through it.

I lead her to the arena, closed it up, and remounted. I essentially worked on a "cruising" exercise, letting her wander about within a certain gait, but if she changed speeds either pushing her forward, or shutting her down as required. I think once she broke gait downwards, which was towards the end when she was a lot more relaxed, and there were several times when she tried to jump upwards, especially in the trot. I posted so much Monday it's hardly funny. I'm really surprised I wasn't more sore in the leg, but I guess my legs are in better shape than I thought. I do admit that my shoulders were, and are still, a bit sore.

While at the Park two other equestrians showed up. One was a lady with a little (tiny!) spotted saddle horse she worked in the roundpen. We made a connection after both of us had worked a bit and realized we'd met a couple times out at the San Tan Regional park. She has an old Appy gelding with a broom tail and like ... one spot, heh. She happens to be one of Panda's "fans" and thinks the mare is just the cutest thing ever. And I do admit, Panda's quite a good-looking horse. We just need to work on her nervousness. And, really, Panda puts on a pretty good front 95% of the time. You wouldn't know she was nervous except for when she's spooking, especially if you don't know what to look for. I just need to put the miles on her so that she spooks "in place" and has more trust in confidence in people in general.

The other person at the park was a young kid (14) named Jason on a TB/pony cross (it was under 14hh). It was rather fun watching the two of them and we pretty much rode home together. The kid had this three gallon white bucket he was carrying and he kept lifting it up on his shoulder, dropping it down by his side, etc. and Panda was a bit nervous about what in the world he was doing with that strange white thing. Jason noticed and apologized, but I told him not to worry about it, it was good for her and noted that his pony was exceptional in letting him haul around that bucket like he was.

While riding home we made a connection, he knew Dave through the train room. This was terribly amusing. I think Jason and a couple of his friends were gathering donations or something and dropped by my in-laws. Dave opened the door and they noticed the train room, asked if they could see it, and Dave said "sure." The young boys were quite impressed by it. It amused me terribly.

Now if I can ride Panda up to the Park a couple times a week she would be AWESOME in a couple of months. Exposure and miles, that's really what she needs. She gets better and better, but I would really like to see not tendency to run off at all and some confidence like I see in Ruby. It's not quite a fair comparison, though, they don't have anywhere near the same mental type, but I would still like to be able to climb on and go without worrying about Panda worrying too much.

So yesterday! The first day of school!

It went rather well. The Painting class didn't last very long and I had time to walk to Utrecht. I purchased all of the canvases I would need and then some. Actually, I purchased all of the canvases and then a bunch of smallish gessobords that I'll probably paint on if I get obscenely ahead, which is a distinct possibility since I only have the two classes.

I was very grateful that Mom was able to pick me up from Utrecht as it would have not been fun to walk a mile with two 36" x 36" canvases plus a 36" x 20" canvas, lunch and school bags, plus a new bag that I intend to put to good use in taking art supplies along in trips. I'd like to start doing some plein aire painting (watercolor and gouache) once school is over with.

Had lunch, dropped off my ring, which needs one of the stones reset, came home, had a lesson, went to second class that evening. The Drawing class will be, I think, just as awesome as the summer version, though the first project seems like it might be slightly restrictive. We're going to be doing some sort of portrait, but I believe I will be working in my expressive line technique (can't think of anything better to call it) and go a bit nuts with it. MWAH HA HA!

That's about it. Updated the website a bit more, fixing links and the like. Now I'm going to go ride with Mom. I'll be taking Jinjer up to the park and working on her canter, get those butt muscles strengthened because I think that is part of her issue is lack of conditioning.

This afternoon Chris and I are going to go look at a Haflinger gelding in Phoenix. If he is as good as he sounds I'd be tempted to sell Jinjer and purchase him ... but we'll see. I'm looking for a student and not myself, though.

Good day!

school, training, trail, horse

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