I will write daily, at least five minutes, it doesn't matter what, but I will write! I think I came close to doing this.
I will post at least once a week on one of my communities relating to my projects (Kashian, Lemyes, and Tae-Kahn) I failed miserably at this.
I will do art daily. I think I did pretty good keeping this going, though not as well as I woud have liked.
I will finish at least six pages of Shifting Times. I need to buckle down and put a little bit of time into it every week, getting into the habit again. I ALMOST made it. The sixth page has sat half-finished since the Fall semester started. The semester ate all my time and Shifting Times had to take a back seat. The good news is that I have no excuse not to get twelve pages done this year and possibly finish the first chapter (finally!).
I will ride or work with horses at least twice a week outside of teaching (or taking) lessons. Hahahaha, Fall semester killed that possibility and I believe the Spring semester did a good job of keeping me from doing it as well.
I will focus more on groundwork and better learn how to use the long lines. I need to go on "walks" with my horses, ground driving around the neighborhood, along the road, in front of the property, etc. I did this a bit! Not as much as I would like, but I did do it!
I will learn how to drive properly. I took about three driving lessons from JJ, but I did learn some things and feel a little more competent driving.
I will not allow school to stress me too much. I didn't have a nervous break-down in my last Stokrocki class unlike the year before, thankfully. I did get a little stressed, but it wasn't too bad.
By the end of the year, I will be two classes away from graduation. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
I will read, no, study, the scriptures daily. I think I managed weekly, if not a couple times a week. Dragging my scriptures to school with me helped.
I will finish reading the Book of Mormon in German. Epic fail. I'm still in Alma. 'Course it doesn't help that Alma is the largest book in the Book of Mormon, but still. Epic Fail.
I will actively seek out truths in other religions and belief systems. I have a copy of the Qur'an, I need to read it. I did okay with this, but still haven't read the Qur'an.
I will read at least one book concerning the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and/or its prophets. Fail.
I will keep in better contact with people. I did okay with this. The other people didn't necessarily cooperate, though.
I will write letters to anyone who writes me, and occasionally to those who do not. I did this!
And for this year!
I will draw daily, doesn't matter what it is!
I will FINISH a piece every month, no matter how large or small.
I will continue to develop my ink line drawings, they are a blast and I want to turn it into something awesome.
I would really like to finish Chapter One of Shifting Times. I would need to do more than one page some months, but I really want to make this happen.
I will start showing, I'd like to attend (compete in) at least two this Spring.
I will ride or work with horses at least twice a week outside of giving or taking lessons.
I will have Cinnamon Strudel at least greenbroke before the end of the year.
I will help Panda get over some of her nervousness/fear.
I will do more ground work.
I will drive more (wouldn't take much to accomplish...).
Continue to keep in contact with people, part of this will consist of mailing birthday cards.
I will write letters to anyone who writes me as well as those who do not.
I will finish reading the Book of Mormon in German.
I will read, no, study, the scriptures daily.
I want to at least start reading the Qur'an.
I will graduate! This makes me so happy!
I want to update at least monthly and get at least my main site "finished."
I will create lesson plans and start teaching art.
I want to be able to sustain myself on my income (mostly I want to be able to take care of all the equine expenses myself without relying on boarding my mom's horses).
I will write five minutes a day at least.
I will do at least one post a week in at least one of my community projects.
Now I need to print this out and post it somewhere prominent so I can see it and remind myself what it is I'm supposed to be doing. I think that was part of the issue last year, half of them I didn't remember until I looked today and thus, didn't make them a priority.