Art Dump

Dec 17, 2008 11:24

It rained pretty much non-stop from noon on 'til about 5am this morning. We're a bit soggy to say the least and I think I'll be canceling my lesson for this afternoon. Mostly because I don't think the kid has the attention span to clean tack, learn about wraps, or other such things. He's a bit of a handful.

Gouache on watercolor paper. Must use more gouache! I love the stuff and its fun to work with and it's also re-workable unlike some other paints. The only bummer is that, like watercolor, it is susceptible to water damage. But other than that gouache=awesome.

Updated reference for KunstFeuer that I did rather quickly the other day as I was procrastinating on school things.

A rather quick, relaxing drawing done between teaching classes at the CAW. Color added in photoshop, original done in plain black ink on bristol. I'm just rather paranoid about these things wandering thus large watermarks and the color changes.

Based on a Paso Fino photo that was in the info packet for the breed association, but with large amounts of liberties taken as is probably obvious. Now that school is out I need to explore this vein of work more and see what I can evolve it to.

The newest accessory for students! The Pony Pack! One of these would have been terribly useful for some of my classes hauling things back and forth.

Draft and other sketches done during class vaguely referenced from some photos in the November issue of Horse Illustrated.

More school sketches. Random Brehtsoln Clamon. I did decide to drop the number of Clamon types to six, but the Brehtsoln are definitely staying.

Sketches of Kallah Sitkohn, one of my Brehtsoln characters. Her backstory occurs during the time that the Humans and Clamon lost their good relations. She was one of the few that survived the "Day of No Shadows"

And I quickly colored one of them this morning, because I wanted to do something for ME.

Quick reference of Kallah.

I don't know if I posted this one earlier or not. This was a watercolor still life from the spring, and I still really like it.

It's so nice having the bathroom CLEAN. I was nearly blinded by the whiteness of the sinks! Today I need to go through clothes and donate and/or get rid of some as there is clothing that I essentially no longer wear.


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