Nov 26, 2008 10:17


My throat is a bit sore and my nose is dripping, plus I have that vague sense of blah-ness that might be explained by mild sinus pressure.

I took some mucus relief stuff to try and loosen up whatever crap might be trying to build up in my system and will probably make some soup or other warm goodness for lunch. Unfortunately it means I should probably avoid eggnog, which is a tragedy, because I love the stuff (sans alcohol, of course) and it is only around for about a month and a half.

Of course, not to mention the fact that I have two curricula to get done and a paper to re-write. That and a project to work on, don't forget that one.

The good news is that one curriculum is practically done, I'm just messing with formatting stuff, and the other has most of the research already done for it ... mostly.

I'm hoping nothing too serious goes down because I need to stick it out for the next two weeks as school comes to a close. THEN I can get sick and I could care less, the only thing at stake would be the cleanliness of the house and not my grades.

Not to say that the house being clean isn't important, but it doesn't have an affect on my degree and graduating next semester and finally being DONE.

I'm going to go gargle some salt water.

health, school

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