Out on the Trail

Jul 30, 2008 14:20

Mom and I took Dakota and Panda out. Panda hasn't been out on a trail ride in a while and she did quite well. Because she's unshod we kept it at a walk and I let her pick her way through the rocky areas. Every once in a while she'd find a rock or something that she had a slight "ouch" response to and then the next step she'd be fine. Still getting used to being barefoot, but I think they'll toughen up fairly quickly. Her backs have been barefoot for quite a while and hold up quite well, it'll just take at least two rotations before she works through the part of her hoof wall that's been weakened by the nails.

We saw a small rattlesnake. As we were moving down a wash it started to rattle and slithered up under a bush where it postured threateningly and rattled whenever we moved in a manner he considered threatening (which appeared to be any movement at all). As soon as I heard him I stopped Panda. Her ears pricked at the sound of it, but other than that she was rather unimpressed by the small, rattling stick under the bush. Mom stopped next to me and we watched him and chatted a bit before moving on.

Coming back we were passed by two pairs of riders, two women and two men. I was quite impressed that Panda didn't try to "catch up" with the other horses as she has in the past. She doesn't really jig, but she will start trotting sometimes if she feels like she's being left behind. I think our previous little sessions has improved her willingness to stick with me rather than attach onto the horses moving around her.

It's been a while since I've finished two pages in one month, but since I'm trying to catch up I pushed myself a little harder to get it done so I can get back on track and keep with my goal. Now I just need to get two pages done in August and I'm back on track! I'm not sure if that will happen being gone a week and school starting on the 26th, but I'm going to try!

The good news for the Fall semester is that I don't have to catch the early (6.00am) bus and should have some spare time in the mornings to work on my own stuff, mwah ha ha!

comic, trail, kashian, horse

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