Jun 27, 2008 12:46

So I had a mole biopsied on Wednesday, it sits just below my right ear and I have a bandaid to prevent anything from infecting it or the stitch catching on something. That aside, it itches like crazy and I have the intense desire to rub my head on the floor wildly in an attempt to scratch the itch, but that would not be good and while I would really like to do so, I have resisted even touching it apart from doctoring it in the evenings.

I have wasted a good amount of time today, not really wasted, but I spent entirely too much time critiquing a picture that someone asked me about ... it's probably a typed page. I just hope she really wanted the critique.

This morning I did "the usual" and worked my parent's two horses. While I'm supposed to be focusing on ground work I worked a little under saddle today. Mostly getting them to flex with the bit and also stand still while being mounted. I was rather disappointed that neither of them tried moving while I clambered on purposefully ungracefully. I think my parent's horses are recognizing who I am and don't try to push my buttons like they do my parents, which is why I'm trying to encourage Mom to take some sort of lesson rather than just having me work her horses. They'll only improve so much until the behaviors I'm establishing is reinforced by them!

And now I'll try and get some art done and try not to think about the itchiness of my neck.


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