The Last Week

Jan 07, 2008 09:08

My final week of freedom before the Spring semester starts. And it's raining.

I am tremendously excited to be getting back into drawing classes, though, even if one of them is Life Drawing and, well, the nude is not my favorite subject, but at least it'll reinforce my human anatomy. I did enjoy painting and sculpture, but being outside of what I'm used to I had a terrible tendency to throw too much ontop of me and overshoot my current skill level. It's good for learning, but having to spend 20+ hours on a piece outside of a class isn't what I want to spend my time on. It's nice to be able to breathe and do something other than school once in a while.

I am also quite happy with the knowledge that I only have two more full-time semesters left. The last one should only be two classes and I'm done, finished. Life can move on and I will no longer be on hold. I have so many plans. Things to learn, explore, experience, not to mention getting to spend more time with my wonderful husband who has tolerated his wife's lack of homemaking and time for things outside of school.

Time to be off! I have to pick up Tye, drop off some things to copy, and run a couple errands.

Oh, before I forget, for those who are new(er) to this journal, or have forgotten, I have three communities for my "projects." I recently moved the Lemyes community and deleted the old one as the old spelling was finally getting to me and it needed to change.  As one of my resolutions is to update at least one of these on a weekly basis, they should be much more active than they have been in the past!

My main project, home of the Shabenay and where my comic "Shifting Times" takes place.

The youngest of the three projects, home to the Guenitha, Zaub, and Grihfohn.

The oldest of the projects that is starting to move to the forefront again with my possible novel "The Fire Forged Key."

Thanks to those who have watched these groups in the past and those who decide to join!  I encourage people to post their own entries, make comments, ask questions, postulate, etc.

tae-kahn, kashian, lemyes

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