Then there was the good news

Jun 27, 2007 05:32

It looks like I'll break my previous high for making money from my lessons. This is good. The bad thing is that this month and last were obscene as far as expenses go having three (technically two-and-a-half) horses who had their teeth floated, spring vaccines, and also shoeing last month (Panda is still shot all-around).

I think I'm going to get a flyer together to advertise for pet portraits and general art as well as my services for photo portraits as well. See if we get any local bites. Of course, I'm going to have to figure out what to charge, egads.

In other more equine news, Mom and I took Dakota and Panda out on Monday since there was a massive gap of time. Panda did quite well. We were chased by a dog coming back home, which I didn't realize was Panda's problem until I turned her around and caught sight of it. We then chased said dog and he was decidedly less tough with a 1300lbs horse coming after him instead of moving away.

My training has been bumped to Friday and I still plan on taking Panda. I need to work Kash today sometime.

I also need to work that little Cinnamon Strudel horse sometime as I need to get into the habit of working her weekly, especially now that she's weaned.

And I need to get my butt outside to prepare for a lesson.

And what's with all of these defective Chinese products?

riding, horses, art, trail

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