Nov 28, 2006 06:31
Mein Deutsch ist schlecht. Est ist wie Kindersprache. Es ist schlechter als Kindersprache. Es gibt mir Angst und ich habe Zorn, weil ich mich nicht wollen sagen kann.
Ich kann nicht sagen was ich wollen. Ich hab' nicht die Worte. Ich hab' nicht die Worte. Ich habe es vergessen. Es lauft weg und fliegt hoch. Höher als ich kann sehen.
Zu mir ist Deutsch machtig. Für mich, ein einsige Deutsche Wort ist zehnmal stärker als ein Englische Wort. Englisch ist alt. Es hat zu oft gespricht und hör ich es jedem tag. Jedem tag hör ich Englisch, die Worte sind alt und ich hör sie zu oft und sehen sie immer.
Ich vergesse die Deutsche Worte. Ich will nicht vergessen.
And in other news the package arrived yesterday! It made me quite happy. As some know every year in October I send off through and order CDs and DVDs from Germany, thus providing me with hours of new music and movies to indulge in.
This year I picked up a half dozen DVDs and some music, Schilling's Fehler im System, Nena's Tausend Sterne (I have almost all of her regular albumns, I'm moving on to the children's music...), and Karat's Schwanenkönig. I'm not as familiar with Karat, having only one of their CDs and it being somewhat of an impulse buy a couple years ago because, well, it was only about five euros, but it was pretty good so we'll see.
Thanksgiving went quite well and we have a lot of turkey left over. We even gave some of it to Chris' parents because they didn't cook one this year.
Friday Chris and I went on a trailride. It went quite well and both he and Ruby did fantastic. Kash also did quite well and didn't shy once, he was also quite happy to walk the whole time. After getting on and going for a few minutes Chris started to relax and enjoy the ride. Towards the end he and Ruby even lead out a little and he got to enjoy the monstrous, swinging stride that the mare has. It's quite something else to ride, I'll say that much!
Only two more weeks left of school. I can't wait. I'm not looking forward to the next semester, but I think I'll survive. I need to look at the shuttle and bus scheduels as I REALLY don't want to have to drive the hour plus it takes to get there four days a week.