This may not make any sense

Oct 05, 2003 22:05

You have been warned.

I can't believe that, that prat! He's just so, ug, can't stand it. Can't stand HIM! He's just so arrogant and so erratic. He just seems to have no control whatsoever. It drives me nuts. I don't know how she can put up with him. I don't know how any of them put up with him. Granted, they don't exactly care as long as his actions don't endanger them. It's just so, gah. Can't stand it. Can't, can't, can't. I've had to put up with some real morons in my time, but he just about takes the cake.

Silence. She had gotten used to it. There were times that she missed the sounds. The familiar growls of young pups below, the cries of all the familiar birds that hung in the air at this time in the morning. Yet here it was, silence. It was too cold for the tropical sounds of her home. Most of the birds up here had taken themselves south long ago.

She had never really expected to find herself wandering. The Clan had always been stationary, solid, a firm and definate home. She'd known no other. It was where she had been born, it was where her parents had been born, and even five more generations back to when the Clan had first settled itself in the warm equitorial regions. Now she found herself away from all of the familiar things. She found herself so far removed from it all. Really, that is how she wanted it. That was how she needed it since the events that pushed her away. Since she found herself questioning purposes and reasons and just needing the time to sort it all.

Days had shifted into weeks and weeks into months until it was almost half a year since she had left her Clan. It had become apparant to her that there would be no going back. She just couldn't do it all over again. She couldn't go back and find him just . . . not there.

Oh to have the days gone past. Oh to have the days when we were free, when we were embrased not feared.

"You Humans, you Humans and your silly ways. You just don't understand, do you?" The slender, sleek-furred Clamon said, looking upon him with bright, teal eyes. Her frame was an easy blend of Humand and Clamon characteristics, the fur soft and short, muzzle shorter than in her full form and fingers thinner and more delicate.

"Don't understand what?" He questioned back, blinking, this was not where he had expected the conversation to go.

"Anything, really. You try so hard to understand us, to understand my kind and the others as well, but you just don't get it. The very look of the Clamon, save for when we mimick your form, is enough for you to dismiss us as nothing but animals. Even when we resemble you physically you can't help but notice the patternings of our skin and realize how foreign we really are. For years you've been trying to understand, to control the Clamon themselves, but our abilities are beyond you. As far beyond as the Lemies or the Klezmier. You just thought we'd be easier since one of our forms is pleasing for you to look at. Many of you saw us as a go-between for the humans and dragons, but what you failed to realize is that the Lemies and Klezmier nearly as closed-mouthed to us as they are to you. Of course, the knowledge that we do have over you isn't shared out of respect to the Lemies and Klezmier. They are rather powerful you know."

. . . I'll finish my paper tomorrow. *sleep.*


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