
Nov 16, 2023 21:36

glenatron shared some prompts on FB alongside his corresponding artwork back in October.

I decided to take up the challenge and made them Lemy'es-themed. As usual, click image for full size.

First up was Tos Savin with the prompt "steaming mug," illustrating a scene in Fire Forged Key. I haven't tried to draw Tos much, but this is probably the closest I've gotten in my attempts.

Kem Aldai using the prompt "comfy chair." I could say it also includes "fireplace," but that was incidental.

This prompt was "pinecone" and feature's Sray's hand, markings visible. I tried to keep these all pretty loose and fast since there were 31 prompts and I didn't start until mid month anyway.

Prompt was "sock" which I had fun with. Sray's foot in her natural form. I don't think Klamon actually wear socks, but if they did their toes would be free for grip.

This is where I started doubling up on prompts. "Dried flowers" and "open book" here, depicting a notebook of Silfiya DeTauwr's language notes and a flower that only grows in Geteilpohth pressed and preserved between the pages.

This was the only one not Lemy'es themed because I don't think apples and pumpkin exist there. That said, this thing haa the most favorites out of anything I have posted in a long time, which just baffles me. I guess it's the generic autumnal theme of it *shrugs.* No, I'm not going to just habitually paint fruit for attention.

Ashtim DeBauin post fight-picking with Sray. He wore a hat until his hair had a chance to grow back (he did a lot of nervous tugging on that hat in the meantime). Prompts "warm hat" and "rainy window."

Kenbin Mount'hyuns, whom I don't think I've ever attempted to draw before. He took up the following prompts: scarf, falling leaves, flannel (not sure if flannel exists on Alast, but he's wearing it here...).

I'm pretty pleased with all of them. They were quick and somewhat experimental. I discovered I'm not overly fond of the paper for the Reflexions watercolor sketchbook (3.5x5.5"). The first four were Lukas watercolors and the last two I switched to the Daniel Smith. I was wondering if it was the colors not layering or if it was the surface not taking it. The Daniel Smith did lay on a little better, but the paper still wasn't taking it quite as well as I wanted it to.

I'm also pleased with how many I managed to finish.

art, lemyes

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