Review: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

Jan 08, 2023 08:59

I started a post yesterday, but lost it. Might be for the better, we'll see.

I finished "Mansfield Park" yesterday during my drive to and from North Phoenix for the driving clinic. She might have a formula. Someone gets ill, there's some unrequited love somewhere and in the end the heroine manages to find love and marital bliss.

I was a little disappointed in Henry Crawford not following through with his progression to better behavior and, instead of continuing to do his best to woo and win Fanny's affections through his gallantry, he instead chose to run off with her (already married) cousin.

This is in contrast to "Pride and Prejudice" where first impressions turned out to be wrong about Mr. Darcy's character, though his outward actions did shift as he realized how they were interpreted, his base principles were good where as Mr. Crawford turned on all the charm, but had a selfish core, even if he didn't harm, he didn't really consider others emotions with his actions and was flirtatious for his own amusement.

Fanny was an interesting character, though her development was not super obvious.

I've been enjoying the Jane Austen books, though they aren't my usual fare. I can appreciate the delicate interactions of the various characters. A part of me is baffled at this section of English society that seems to have no actual purpose other than to spend money and employ others of the population. They can leave home for months at a time and most seem to just live off the interest of their ancestors' fortune.

I'm now starting Emma and have two books after that in this collection. I'm still on the fence about this audio book thing. I'd much rather have the thing in my hand, but it's been pleasant and entertaining enough. I'm sure I've missed some things in the stories, but not enough to be lost to the narrative.

I'm off to a good start with reading!

I am also reading "A Christmas Carole" by Dickens and almost done, have a book about character and plot development, need to finish "Lessons in Lightness" by Mark Russel, and I want to actually read "Daring Greatly" by Brown as it is sitting on my nightstand. Beverly loaned me "The Omnivours Dilemma" and I lent her "Give Your Horse a Chance." I have my reading planned out for me!

reviews: books, reading, reviews

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