Ich habe so viel geschrieben!

Dec 31, 2022 14:16

Some statistics before I settle down to do my annual goals and resolutions post:

Jan 2022: Forged by Fire catch-all 54 pages, 28,811 words
Jan 2023: FBF 77 pages, 42,812 words
In 2021 I added 32 pages and 17,377 words, I did some major culling of unnecessary stuff, started the FBF: Sparks document, which took quite a few pages, and then I did a bunch of rambling, apparently, so increase of 23 pages and 14,001 words. I need to tidy this document up again, it's a mess, but I guess that is how it is when it is a catch-all for the miscellaneous stuff that doesn't quite fit in the other four books (deleted scenes, ancillary information, etc.).
Jan 2023: FBF: Sparks, the prequel 41 pages, 23,013 words, document started May 2022. It is all essentially new, but some of it started life in the FBF catch-all document.
Jan 2022: Fire Forged Key 141 pages, 79,926 words
Jan 2023: FFK 228 pages, 125,451 words
For 2021 I added 46 pages and 27,200 words, this year it was 87 pages and 45,525 words ... Holy crap. That doesn't even consider scenes cut, etc.
Jan 2022: Depths of the Forge 65 pages, 35,699 words
Jan 2023: DotF 106 pages, 57,775 words
In 2021 I added 19 pages and 10,984 words, this year was 41 pages and 22,076 words
Jan 2022: Heat of the Flame (title might change) 9 pages, 4,695 words, the document didn't exist before.
Jan 2023: HotF 24 pages, 12,936 words
Increase of 15 pages and 8,241 words

Grand total for the FBF series: For 2021 it was 108 new pages and 60,256 words, which is over 5000 words a month, averaging more than nine pages each month. For 2022 it is 207 new pages, 112,856 words, which is over 9,400 words a month on average. Holy crap.

If I keep this up I may just get FFK finished this next year and be well on my way to getting DotF rounded out somewhat.

writing, lemyes

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