Wie geht's?

Dec 08, 2022 09:22

This should have posted last night.

Getting back into the swing of things. Snatched this meme from panda because it felt like a good way to shake off the rust and get going again.

Today's weather: Sunny to start and then clouds moved in. Slight breeze now and again. Humidity is high.

How I'm feeling: Pretty good, occasionally overwhelmed. Saturday was a day because I "lost" the keys to the truck. I had opened the little house and shed and locked them before losing the keys. We didn't find them again until after my second lesson. Tristan found them.

They were in the ignition of the truck.

The ignition of the truck.

Is where I lost my keys.

This did not bode well for my lesson later that day, but I actually did pretty well. I do think it might be a sign of some more burnout and overscheduling myself despite taking Thanksgiving weekend off from Thursday to Sunday and not doing anything with the horses but feed them and do two work sessions with Nell.

Probably more information than necessary. To add to the complexity I am feeling quite accomplished because I overdid my word count goal, got the fresh copy off to Muss and Hana. I'm also starting to poke through book two to get that off to them as well.

ALSO! I started to get my palettes together. My paints arrived Monday after accidentally ending up at a neighbor's down the road.

I'm excited as this is one step closer to getting really going on the graphic novel. I have started the base sketch for the first two page spread as well. I did start a Patreon for it, but I'm not going to actually advertise it until I have more than just a couple pages finished.

Today's accomplishments: Kitt dragged the arena with my student Chris.

We got over an inch and a half of rain on Saturday and into Sunday. I got a bit soggy during my lesson. The horses stayed in their stalls Saturday night and we turned them out Sunday afternoon. They were overly exuberant to be out free again, but no one did anything terrible, even if Chewy kept trotting around to stay out of the knuckleheads' way.

I taught five riding/driving lessons and an art lesson. Bess did over a mile today on a new route because it was too soggy to ride Ludo. During the art lesson I was able to get started on putting the palettes together (see above rambling). I caught up on some of my bookkeeping. I'm still way too far behind, but I made progress. I also did a little work on Depths of the Forge.

I hosed out Dave and Marty's truck bed because it still had hay in it from Friday and, of course, it got rained on so it was nasty wet moldy hay in it, which is terrible and I couldn't return it like that.

What I'm thinking about today: All of the above I've been rambling about. Also, working towards finishing Quentan's blanket. I need to finish my bookkeeping. I'm not nearly caught up enough yet for the year to be ending in three weeks. The truck looks gorgeous now that the door and fender are repaired and I almost don't want to drive it because it looks new and pretty. They even replaced the little siding on the rear drivers side door too. They also detailed it. So pretty.

Today's physical exercise: Moving the drag before hooking up Kitt, walking during multiple lessons. Mucking the arena, grooming horses who are filthy bog ponies with caked on layers of filth.

What I'm listening to:
Currently listening to/watching Lego Masters with the boys. My current shower playlist is Faye Wong (yes, I usually listen to music when I shower and singing along is not out of line either).

What I'm reading: Still working my way through "Lessons in Lightness" by Mark Russell and I've been working on "Creating Character Arcs" by K. M. Weiland that Muss recommended to me. I'm about halfway through, which is pretty speedy for me right now.

What I’m watching: Lego Masters

What I'm eating/drinking: Dinner was roasted pork tenderloin, which I made during my break this afternoon. Chris made garlic mashed potatoes and spinach to go with it.

What I enjoyed today: Watching Kitt really work, driving Bess, doing the art lesson, riding Zeke.

What I'm grateful for today: Having the Lil' Rig back. Picking it up yesterday it felt like getting a new truck. They did an awesome job. A happy bank account. I've been catching up with the bookkeeping and had some clients that we'd gotten behind on payment for. Being able to pay down more credit card debt and still having spare money in checking and knowing that I have more checks and cash to deposit tomorrow. I can't wait to be done paying down my debt and be able to do more saving and maybe even paying more into my ROTH IRA.

horses, vehicles, meme

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