Träume, Kunst, und Arbeit

Jan 16, 2022 14:34

Three dreams last night, a little fuzzy now because I waited to long to write them. In order of my thinking, not dreaming:

I was driving Lisa's team Jake and Jack through some pretty hairy terrain, one consisted of a super steep hill and they ended up cantering down is and it took a bit to bring them back. We also hit some spots that made me worry we would tip over sideways, but managed to stay connected to the ground.

I was in a building, I almost want to say it was the White House, but I started on a bicycle going through the hallways and I'm in this area where none of the lights work so it is pretty dim and I'm half-groping for doors and trying to figure out how to get back out. There was one part where I ended up backstage with a curtain and it was still dim, but somewhat lit on the other side, but I didn't want to interrupt what was going on so I retraced my steps. I had the feeling the place might be vaguely haunted as I had a general uneasy feeling, but not outright malicious.

Third dream feels lost now, it was in my head this morning and I was reflecting on it, but it appears to have drifted off somewhere now, dang it.

Finished coloring a sketch of Rothan on my phone, she looks rather judging here.

Next Saturday I'm doing a driving demo for Art of the Cowgirl, a horse sale, expo, art and craft event in my area. They had a last-minute cancellation and Lisa B said I should contact them about doing something, the initial intent was next year, but an hour next Saturday works too!

art, dreams, lemyes

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