Ich hör' unheimliche Musik zu

Dec 09, 2021 21:41

As a forewarning I generally avoid music with a lot of curse words. I generally forgive a single word, but it's not something I want to choose to listen to. I was listening to music on random and this song by Udo Lindenberg came up, it was a duet and the other guy's voice was equally intriguing. I initially thought the word was "schnitt" and I guess I could continue to pretend that, ha!

I do admit, my interest in Udo's music centers entirely on his deep baritone voice. I first heard it when he did a duet with Nena on her 2003 album "Nena Featuring Nena" which had her rehashing a bunch of her hits, including 99 Luftballons, which most people here will know as 99 Red Balloons. Anyway, Nena and Udo did a duet of Nena's song "Jetzt bist du Weg" (Now you are gone) on the album and, I mean, how can you not love that voice? Unfortunately I can't seem to find the duet version so this will have to do.

image Click to view

Anyway, back to Udo Lindenberg and Helge Schneider with "Chubby Checker."

image Click to view

Apparently it's about a detective and his drug-sniffing dog working in a hotel.

Aber, große Hunde können auch gefährlich sein. (But big dogs could also be dangerous)
Man muss immer noch eine zweite Person da haben, die einen Vorderfuß hoch hebt von dem Hund, (One must always have a second person there, one that a forefoot holds up high from the dog)
Dann kann er nicht nach hinten austreten (haha) Dankeschön (Then he can't trample you from behind. Thank you very much)
Chubby Checker stellt den Wecker, (Chubby Checker sets the alarm clock)
Denn er muss ja mal wieder aufstehen, (then he must once again get up)
In so einem Hotel muss man immer mal schnell die Korridore abgehen (In a hotel like that one must always rush out the corridors)
Mal gucken, ob noch alles klar ist (Look again, whether it is all clear)
Und ob noch alles da ist (and whether everything is there)
Sind die Gäste auch alle gut zugedeckt? (Are the guests all tucked in well?)
Sitzt auch keiner auf der Heizung, wenn die Heizung leckt? (Is no one sitting on the heater? If the heaters are leaking?)
Chubby Checker stellt den Wecker, verdächtiger Gast an der Rezeption (Chubby Checker sets the alarm, a suspicious guest at the reception[desk])
Man weiß noch nicht genau, (One still doesn't exactly know)
Man ahnt noch rein ins blaue (One feels still immaculate in blue)
Vielleicht ein Koksbaron? (Kennen Sie den?) (Perhaps a druglord [Do you know this?]
Kombiniere. Komme schon! (Combine, come already)
Ob der Koks hat oder S*, (whether he has coke or crap)
Irgendwas hat der doch mit (He definitely has something with him
Ob der Koks hat oder S*, (whether he has coke or crap)
Irgendwas hat der doch mit (He definitely has something with him)
Rex geh an den Koffer ran (Rex searches around the edge of the trunk)
Und der Drogenhund schlägt an (and the drug dog bumps it)
Wuff, wuff, wuff
Riech mal hier. Komm, riech. Da, such such such (It smells again here, kome, smell, there, search, search, search
Chubby Checker stellt den Wecker, denn er muss mal wieder gucken gehen, (darf man hier mal schauen?) (Chubby Checker sets the alarm, because he must go looking again [may I look here one more time])
Dass auch beim Sexuellen nich so lauten Schreie gellen hier durch unser Hotel, (that even sexually the screams aren't so shrill here in this hotel)
Kein Geröchel, kein Gehechel, (no snoring, no panting)
In den Suiten und den Zimmern bitte immer nur wimmern (in the suites and the rooms, please always just a whimper)
Sonst greift Chubby Checkker zum Telefon und die Männer von der Sitte kommen schon (otherwise Chubby Checker held on to the telephon and the men from Customs are coming soon)
Ob der Koks hat oder S*, (whether it is coke or crap)
Irgendwas hat der doch mit (He definitely has something with him)
Rex, Rex geh an den Koffer ran (Rex, Rex, go around the chest)
Und der Drogenhund schlägt an (and the drug dog bumps it)
Ob der Koks hat oder S*, (whether it is coke or crap)
Irgendwas hat der doch mit (He definitely has something with him)
Rex (komm her) geh an den Koffer ran
Und der Drogenhund schlägt an (Rex [come here] go around the chest and the drug hound bumps it)

music, german

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