Viele Musik

Sep 25, 2021 19:54

Well, that arrived a lot quicker than I thought!

I used to "celebrate" Oktoberfest by ordering music, movies, and the occasional book from to help me keep up on my German. It's a tradition I rather enjoyed, but for the last couple years funds were too tight to make it happen.

This year I felt like I could place an order again, which included a couple movies, a book about working with horses (farming and logging), and a bunch of music, two from Peter Schilling (you know that song "Major Tom?" Yeah, he's still making music), one from Nena ("99 Red Balloons" anyone? still rockin' it!), Udo Lindenberg, two from Christina Stürmer, and a new-to-me artist Sarah Connor, we'll see how she shapes up to the classics.

Just flipping through the book one of the things I noticed was all but one picture had the horses working in open bridles, which is a pretty stark contrast to what you see in the USA.

I've made it through the Udo Lindenberg album now. The title song is "Stark wie zwei," which means "(as) strong as two."

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I love his voice. He could sing about anything, really. Though I admit some of his earlier stuff (70's) just doesn't serve his voice at all, but I like it. There's a version of Nena's "Wunder geschehen" (miracles happen) in which Udo Lindenberg does a duet with her and it is lovely, if I could find it I would share it.

I've listened to Nena's album "Licht," and here's my favorite from that called "Zimmer," which means room.

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I made it through Peter Schilling's "Vis Viva," which was also thoroughly enjoyable. This is the first song "Willkommen in der Zukunft" or "Welcome in the future" could probably translate that to welcome to the future instead.

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I have probably had more new music this last year than I have in the last five. I kind of like it.

music, german

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