Lange Reise

Dec 21, 2020 19:46

I got up a little after 5am this morning. It would have been earlier, but Chris rolled over and sometimes it's nice to lay snuggled up next to one's spouse for an extra 10 or 20 minutes.

Pried myself out if bed, tossed Remmy a hay bag, and hooked up the trailer and headed to Peoria. There wasn't much traffic to speak of between 6 and 7am. It took me a littke over an hour to get there and it was still a little dark at 7am. Maverick loaded right up with a valiant effort to pop into the trailer despite the ramp. He recovered himself and climbed in.

The traffic home was a little tight on the North end of the 101 and I ended up swinging into the carpool lane as traffic came to a halt and I wasn't about to slam the brakes or into the little car. I was then stuck in the carpool lane because no one was going to let a 40' rig over. Thankfully no one noticed I wasn't carpooling and I made it back into a regular lane as the traffic started to loosen again.

I did have one jerk swing around and honk at me because I was only going 68. Yeah, whatever. Normally I might go with the flow at 75 or so (speed limit is 65 mind you), but not hauling a horse.

I made it up just a touch before 8:30 and Alisa claimed Maverick and I helped Chris muck. I didn't have clients until near noon. Lisa and Ben are doing well together and Dolly is being a rock star so Christy might get the lines next time. Dolly has now done three drives out in the neighborhood and has been fantastic. Today we did several loops around and and past the house with quite a bit of trotting to boot. Christy's Pacific Cart is a very comfortable ride, much nicer than her old Meadowbrook!

The day finished with Remmy who is now walk and trotting with the tire.

image Click to view

I need to get my new false shafts made and get him going in those.

I have to write otherwise I write nothing. I admit I've been getting a little overwhelmed with my friends feed at times and waste time scrolling FaceBook instead, which is unproductive and I end up spending more time on that than it would to catch up. Alas!

horses: video, horses: rumplestiltskin pot o gold, horses: ben

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