Jasper und Tristan fahrt

Mar 09, 2020 21:10

Tristan has now "driven" Jasper twice with the tire and is enjoying helping progress his horse's training.

Today we took Jasper across the street for his second real workout over there. He is a little odd at the corner, eyeballing the big boulders and palm trees, but did well otherwise. Tristan is doing pretty good steering Jasper and gets a kick out of sitting on the tire.

Now I just need to get the cart out and start banging it around him and build up to the first hook.

Quentan and Tristan hung out on Ruby for a bit Saturday.

I'm almost done with the watercolor painting. I picked up some sealant I am going to try on an older painting before putting it on this and some other pieces I've done.

Shiloh came in Friday and I started work with him on Saturday. He is supposedly a Gypsy cross, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was full, just unregistered.

His owners had tried training him to drive on their own and had an incident while pulling a tire and at that point they decided they needed professional help.

He's here for at least eight weeks and we'll go from there.

horses: shiloh gypsy cross, horses: jasper, tristan, art, quentan, horse training

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