Musik ist gut

Jul 24, 2019 04:47

I don't talk about music as much as I used to. I don't sit and listen for hours and I don't have a little device I can rock to while working with horses or doing chores. Most of my music listening is in the shower, honestly.

But anyway, I've been on a Nena kick recently and one of her more recent albums had a song called "OLDSCHOOL" that I get a kick out of. Following is the official music video, lyrics, and my English translation (good practice). Next time I should do Peter Schilling's "Retro."

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Ich bin so oldschool, ja (I am so oldschool, yes)
Das kannst du mir glauben (you can believe me on that)
Doch das was ich hier hab (but what I have here)
Wird dir deinen Atem rauben (will take your breath away)
Mein erstes Album ist seit 34 Jahren draußen (My first album was over 34 years ago)
Es ist so alt man kann ́s nicht einmal mehr im Laden kaufen (It is so old you can'd buy it in stores anymore)

Ihr kennt mich vielleicht noch (You all might know me still)
Von ein paar Klassikern (from a few classics)
Aus den 80ern (of the 80s)
Das fühlt sich fantastisch an (that seems fantastic to you)

So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - ich bin (I am)
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - das stimmt (that's true)

Und viele andere meinen (And many others think)
Sie wären schon lang dabei (they were around so long)
Doch nicht so lang wie ich (but still not as long as I)
Aus einer völlig anderen Zeit (Out of an entieely different time)
Heute Computer (today computers)
Damals analoge Handarbeit (at that time alalog handwork)
Und meine Kinder schauen mich an und
Fragen mich was ich mein (and my children look at me and ask me what I think)

So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - ich bin (I am)
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - das stimmt (that's true)
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - ich bin (I am)
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool

So oldschool
So oldschool
So lang da (there so long)
Noch so so cool (still so, so cool)

Ich bin so alte Schule (I am so old school)
Doch hab ne Neue Schule aufgemacht (I've made a new school)
Kannst gern mal besuchen ([that you] can gladly revisit)
Ihr kennt mich aus dem TV (you all onow me from the TV)
Kennt mich aus dem Radio (know me from.the radio)
Dies ist meine Party hier (this is my party here)
Nehmt jetzt Eure Hände hoch (now raise your hands high)

Ich bin (I am)
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - ich bin (I am)
So lang da - aha (so long there)
Das stimmt (that's true)
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool - aha
So oldschool

I love my 80s German singers.

And I only had to look up four words, I'm proud of myself.

music, german

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