Flößen an dem Fluss

Jan 13, 2019 09:23

The dream started out with Chris, Shilo, Quentan and I at a park. There was a good-sized pond/water feature and Shilo pulled out these inflatable seats. They were enclosed and had holes for your legs. I want to say there were arm holes too due to how we ended up moving around with them, but I don't remember seeing them when she first blew them up.

Shilo and I decided we would try to use the waterways to get to a nearby restaurant while Chris and Quentan drove ahead. Chris wasn't sure this was such a great idea, but left us ti our thing.

We climbed into our inflatable seats and set off! I lead the way into the tunnel that went under the road (the park was dropped down like a retention basin). It was definitely man-made as it was square with white walls like pool plaster. We wove around in the tunnel complex, sticking to lighter areas as we did not want to get stuck in the dark in a half-submerged tunnel. I got a bit turned around and lost direction, but we finally emerged into another pond where there were more people. We got ourselves oriented and found the next drain channel after a couple of dead ends or places that were too small.

The next place was inside. There was a large set of windows with a seat and a long, narrow pool. There was a lady there and she was trying to keep us captive. I popped the screen off one of the windows and bailed out (still enclosed in my inflatable seat, mind you). Shilo couldn't get out so I smashed the window and we both escaped.

We finally got to the shopping area where the resraurant was. It felt like Disneyland There were vendors and multiple little shops. Some of the restaurants consisted of one or two booths for seating down an alley and that was it. I think we finally ditched our inflatable chairs and that is about where the dream ended.


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