Maki führt

Dec 11, 2018 20:53

The other week Marty asked for some help with getting Maki to lead. Just 20 minutes, which I had, and paid too (because I don't have time to fuss with their horses without being paid). It had just rained so the footing was pretty bad in some areas.

She was a pill to catch and difficult to get the halter on. Then getting her out of the stall was a bit of a chore. We slid around in the mud a bit and she got away from me and hid behind Cinnamon who was tied to the fence because the stalls were occupied already. After some more mud skiing I took advantage of Cinnamon and tied Maki to her. Maki attempted to stand her ground, but Cinnamon leads exceptionally well and had a good 330lbs on Maki. Cinnamon and I won. I set the stink free and did some brief work with just Maki, who decided giving to the pressure was much easier.

She has since turned a huge corner leading for David and Marty and has even loaded in the horse trailer a few times. While not my preferred method it appears to have worked and given the space, equipment (way too short a lead) and footing it was the better solution and got the job done.

In other news Coors was less of a punk today. We both got our cardio in as I long lined him at the property, trot and canter, insisting that he make ROUND circles and not charge towards home.

horses: coors, horses: maki

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