Coors im Anfang

Oct 17, 2018 21:47

Today consisted of driving to not-quite-Tucson to drop off the trail obstacles and I picked up Brenda's Appendix Quarter Horse gelding (and her trailer) and hauled him up to Arizona Equine so he could have a bone chip removed. She had him for sale and not even a week later he got himself cast and shoved his legs through the fence for good measure. His hock is twice the size it should be. She initially had his surgery scheduled for today and had a hauler lined up (her truck is busted), but the hauler didn't have the right ball or hitch size and she called me yesterday in a panic to see if I knew of someone. I was heading there anyway (see above) as Cindy canceled the lesson at her place for today so she called to see if they could bump it a day and it all worked out.

I worked Coors this afternoon. I failed to charge the GoPro so video will wait until tomorrow or Friday. He jumped in the air a bit when I first moved the PVC around, which was slightly disappointing after yesterday. He did do quite well with my lifting it up to his back and rolling it off his hips on both sides as well as sliding it up and rubbing his sides while holding him. From there I tied him again (using a tie ring) and brought out the false shafts. He was much better with them than I thought he would be given his response to the single pipe.

I then worked him on the long lines walk and trot and started asking him to yield his hips while walking. Sometimes it's hard finding the beginning again when you've gotten used to horses that are further along.

I think for videos I am going to start doing week summaries. I have a lot of nitty gritty stuff from Olaf and Chroi, I don't need to repeat it all on video. Of course people might start to think that I only work with Gypsies!

horses: coors, horse training

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