Russisch lernen mit der Lieden

Oct 01, 2018 20:04

I have been slacked off on my Russian study since Tristan went back to school. However, I ordered a hymnal, Bible, and triple combination in Russian to help remedy that. I need to get myself a good Russian dictionary next (I probably have five German ones...).

I am getting pretty good at reading Russian. I am going through the hymn books and matching up the songs, which was easy for the first few songs, but then the numbers stopped matching. This was pretty easy when I did it with my German, one because I knew more German than I do Russian, and two because I could easily look up the name of the author and/or composer. I'm doing the same with the Russian and it's helping me better understand Russian pronunciation rules. I didn't realize there was no "w" sound in Russian like German. For names like "William" it is essentially written as "Ooilliam."

It'll be a while before I'll be singing in Russian like I do in German, but hey! There's a bunch of songs that aren't in German, but are in Russian so of I feel brave and don't mind sounding foolish I might just give it a shot.


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