(no subject)

Aug 22, 2017 21:56

Rolo is obnoxious with her Dish of Destruction. Like any Elizabethan collar it is supposed to protect her from destroying herself (namely rubbing or tearing off the stitches around here eyelids), but she seems to be using it to destroy all in her path. At this point it seems like she does some of it on purpose.

I hope we can make it another week and some change without her bowling over Quentan too much. All of the anesthesia wore off pretty much the day after the surgery and she can be pretty boystrous in her play as well as obnoxious in her attention-getting. Forty pounds of dog is hard to ignore when it is sitting on your foot or snuffling in your face.

Not that we don't love Rolo, but we'll be very happy when the stitches come out and the cone comes off.

Her eyes were looking pretty good this evening until she had her bout of wildness and was mashing her face into her toys ... eesh.

I had a cancelation this morning so I pulled out Tru-D and did some work on the long lines.

I first focused on getti g her to walk cslmly on the far long side as she was being oogly and drifting off of the fence. I simply kept turning her back into it until she was sticking to the rail more than she was drifting off.

We did a little tror work, being sure to keep the forward through the changes of direction. From there I introducez the nose to the rail leg yield. I was just looking for single steps and would have been happy with her atepping towsrds her center, but she went above and beyond presenting a couple of really nice crosses with both her hind and frond limbs. Once on the backside she probably did over six inches of crossing across her outside hip. I was impressed and it makes me excited to move our work forwardď

horses: tru-d, horse training, horse

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