Ich futtere das Baby

Jul 29, 2017 20:20

Baby stuff so I remember.

Quentan ticked over six months and we have introduced baby food. He LOVES it! He gets grumpy if he isn't being fed fast enough and pretty much chows down as much as you're willing to put near his lips.

We're currently on two little baby food packets a day (at or less than 4oz) and I mix in the Gerber baby oatmeal to give it more consistency so it doesn't slop all over the place. I am learning! Just in time to be done, of course.

He's been dealing with some congestion and a mild ear infection, but I think he's on the mend now and is being his happy, bubbly self.

He has also started sitting up by himself and is just this side of crawling.

I have to say I'm loving the reusable nursing pads. I never liked the disposable ones with the little sticky tabs on them because they would invariably end up stuck to my skin. I used some disposablr ones by Nuk with Kelhan and Tristan that didn't have an adhesive, but they became harder to find so I took a chance on the Bamboobies (yep, someone had fun naming them) that are made of bamboo fibers so they're soft and can take up a lot of fluid. Right now they're the only spot that stays dry after I'm done working outside in the heat and humidity they work that well.

I have two different types of nursing sports bra. The ones I like work great. They are supportive and easy to operate. The ones I don't I refer to as "unibras" because they create a "unibreast". It ends up pushing the breasts forward and together and it is awkward looking. I try not to wear them, but I've made a compromise in wearing a regular nursing bra under them, which is annoying, but it keeps the breasts properly separated.

I think Quentan will be moving out of our room tomorrow and into the office/nursery.

I am still not an other peoples' baby person. I like my babies, but everyone else can keep theirs.

Kelhan still occasionally points at my belly and says "hey! No baby in here!" It's kindof cute.

tristan, quentan, family, kelhan

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