Der Entschluss 2017

Jan 07, 2017 12:49

As usual I start with reviewing and commenting on last year's goals.

Consistely doing art each week, no time, but making a habit of doodling and sketching throughout the week. I have a stylus and art programs on my phone, no excuses! I did sketch more this year I believe. I also managed to finish one VERY large piece and a few smaller ones, success!
Finish the driving drawing! Can I blame the giant Fjord Horse painting on not completing this one? I think I at least sat down and started doing something with it, but it certainly isn't done.
Start a painting of the house. Does gessoing and sanding the surface count as starting? I think it should...
Use my Polaroid/instant film Still need to do this, dang it. The goal was to do it before it expired, but I think I've missed it.

Finish editing and properly name STP. I think I looked at it once...
Another 10 pages on Fire Forged Key. I may have done this? Most of it is still in hand-written snippets and I haven't had time to type it up and shove it into the master file.
Start case report on Zetahra. I've had thoughts and opening lines in my head, but sitting down for it is emotionally hard still.

Tru-D ground driving consistently, full harness, walks around neighborhood, and ponying. Success! Mostly at least. She has been ground driving, and even pulled stuff. She doesn't quite fit Kitt's harness, but she has at least worn it and lunged in it. I only made it out atound the neighborhood twice and ponied her once, but it has been done at least!
Tabbi gaining weight! Everything else is contingent on her packing pounds on and eating consistently. Ideally:ground driving, full harness, ponying, walks, and saddle introduction. It sucks that just as she started to perk up we lost her. Hard to believe that was just this last year. Dang.
Cinnamon consistent in her riding. Semi-successful? Pregnancy nixed me putting time on her, but last month we did have Keara on her a half dozen times and we were able to make some good progress.
Kitt consistent over small verticals, driving around the neighborhood, showing pending Chris' job status. I got her doing some really nice lateral work instead, which is fine by me. I haven't driven her around the neighborhood, but I didnat least hook her up several times. Showing didn't happen.

Can I put down "Set up LLC" even though I accomplished that one today? LLC Accomplished! Still trying to figure out what else to do with it.
Continue to chug along and build business. Made less than last year, but enjoying more diversity.

Temple work, idealy once a quarter at least. I think we made it two or three times? The last quarter I don't think I'd have fit in my clothes so...
Be a better visiting teacher (which means I need to take charge and not wait around for my partner to contact me...) I tried! I even visited with a couple of them. My partner was absentee and had a hard time getting back with me.
Continue reading Qur'an, finishing it probably won't happen, but I want to at least make progress! I did some of this, but got distracted by other reading.
Keep up with lesson reading for the Book of Mormon this year (preferrably in German!) Did well! And mostly in German!

Self/Life in General
Do some exercise daily outside of normal horse work (even if it is just 10 sit-ups or a 10 second plank, SOMETHING). Did okay until pregnant and even kept uo some little things until I was about halfway through.
Two-point for 15 minutes. I think I got close to 10 minutes before pregnancy and since that happened less than halfway through so pseudo-success?
Do monthly goal checks and evaluations. This should help everything else fall into place. I did this one month ... an idea that needs to be revisited.
Fix family crap, or at least give it my best shot so I can say I tried. Tried, but decided the stress wasn't worth it once I found out I was pregnant.

Share some drawings here monthly.
Finish the driving drawing!
Start a painting of the house (at least do some thumbnails and get the final sketch transferred).
Use my Polaroid/instant film ...

Finish editing and properly name STP-REALLY!
Another 10 pages on Fire Forged Key. (Slow and steady wins the race guys.)
Start case report on Zetahra.

Tru-D pulling tire and drag. Walks around neighborhood, ponying, at least introduce the cart, start riding!
Cinnamon- break the Stink to drive!
Kitt dressage show, driving show, driving around neighborhood.
Get someone off-property a couple times a month, even if it is just across the way. Help keep them sane.
McKlintock- turn him into a good lesson pony who can fill Chewy's shoes.
Get McKlintock's eyes taken care of.

Take lessons myself for continuing education, maybe attend a clinic.
Promote driving side of business.

Temple work, idealy once a quarter at least.
Be a better visiting teacher (which means I need to take charge and not wait around for my partner to contact me...)
Continue reading Qur'an.
Read at least one book about religion and/or church history
Keep up with lesson reading for the Book of Mormon this year (preferrably in German!)
Build family history folder, preferably for both Chris and I, but at least get my side going first.

Self/Life in General
Have a healthy, baby boy #3 and get used to life with three kids.
Do some exercise daily outside of normal horse work, try toconvince Chris to join me.
Two-point for 15 minutes.
Do monthly goals and evaluations about overarching resolutions. This should help everything else fall into place.
Once things are settled see about doing counseling with my parents again. I've been at peace just leaving things as-is, but would like to have some sort of healthy relationship if possible.

health, horses, family, resolution, goals: monthly

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