
Aug 24, 2016 12:02

I don't know quite how that would translate into German.

Click for much, much larger version that you might actually be able to see.

All of the sketches except for one page (because Kelhan had fun and scribbled all over it) from my current small sketchbook dating October to present that I take to church with me on Sundays. A lot of these are Sunday sketches (especially the life drawings of people sitting around, standing, fancy lady shoes, etc.), though I do occasionally sketch in it other times as well. I like having a small, inconspicuous sketchbook to doodle and take notes in, especially since it helps keep me awake, heh. I use ink only so I don't have to worry about smudging and I use both sides of the paper so you do see some interference from drawings on the other side of the page on these and I can't quite be bothered with REALLY cleaning it up, thus you see paper edges and it's really haphazardly smooshed together as I tried to not let it get too horribly large.

The upper left has a sketch of Iren and several of Sray. Sray and trying to figure out her clothing is a recurring theme as she appears there, middle-left with some tunics, center top-ish and leaking over to the right. The puzzle is getting it to work with her Human form and also her natural form, which has residual flight membranes going from her elbow to the base of her ribcage. There's some sketches of full-blooded Clamon in there, Meilah, her cousin just to the right of Sray sitting on the stool, a random Brehtsohln with an itchy spot, and me figuring out their feet as they are roughly based on sugar gliders (yes, fantasy marsupials!) and the fusion of the second and third digit as a "grooming comb" is something that I finally picked up on this past year and another one of those little details that you don't always think about.

Middle left are some sketches figuring out things on the big Fjord painting, including tack and clothing. Random dragons. Kallon looking grumpy because that's what he does, Rirhe pops up a couple times, a Guenitha, and Maibenti Roek showed up the other night in the lower middle right (black and red sketches).

I have my first art class today that I need to scuttle off for. I have everything together, just need to load up and go.

I need to sketch more and share here. I know I've said that before, but I really need to just DO it.

I did manage to download the updated scanner software and hope to see some improvement in my slide film scanning. I just, once again, need the time to sit down and load up the film carriers and do it! Fingers crossed it works well, if not I might be looking at buying some different scanning software that definitely has the film presets for slide film (which I know one of their products does have and they had it in the past, which is the frustrating part!!!).

time to be off, enjoy!

art, art lessons

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