Meme und andere Dinge

Jul 23, 2016 12:20

Pilfered from flirting.

For a change in the news feed, tell us about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!!

The year was: 2002-2003
1. Did you know your spouse?

2. Did you car pool to school?
Most of the time. I was usually the driver.

3. What kind of car did you have?
Started out with a 1968 El Camino. I still miss that car. I acquired Silber, a 2002 Ford Focus 2-door hatch back in November because I thought I would be going away for college and would need something with fuel efficiency and reliability, two things the Camino grossly lacked.

4. What kind of car do you have now?
Chris and I share a 3500 Chevy Silverado (2010), and a Jeep Grand Cherokee (2014).

5. It's Friday night...where were you?
If I am not working, hanging with a friend or two, school work, art, writing, something like that. More the latter because I'm not the most social creature.

6. What kind of job did you have in high school?
I started out at Jamba Juice making smoothies. I did some data entry stuff for my mom's bookkeeping business. From Novemberish-March I also worked in a shipping store packing boxes and doing data entry and in January I managed to get my then dream job of working with Judy's herd of six horses and caring for them. Still don't know how I got that lucky. I had the job for three and a half years.

7. What kind of job do you have now?
I teach riding lessons, occasionally driving, do a little horse training, and on rare occasion someone asks me to draw stuff. I also teach art and horsemanship through a private school.

8. Were you a party animal?
Hahahahahaha, no. I never got invited to your classic High School parties and liked it that way.

9. Were you a cheerleader?
Briefly in 4th grade because my best friend was into it, but definitely not in high school.

10. Were you considered a jock?
I was into weight training, but I don't think that counts, and of course that last semester I spent a lot of time around horses.

11. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?

13. Did you get suspended or expelled?
I didn't spend enough time in school to get in trouble. To clarify I only had two classes at the high school: AP German and AP Studio Art (Advance Placement). I also took Seminary/religion class, but it wasn't on campus and I had two college classes each semester at the community college.

14. Can you sing the fight song?
What is this school spirit you speak of? If there was an assembly I usually ditched out. They were pretty pointless to me.

15. Who was/were your favorite high school teacher?
Herr Cole my German teacher.

16. Where did you sit for lunch?
My Junior year I was done after 4th hour and may or may not stay for lunch. Usually I hung out in the art or German room. Senior year I was done after 3rd hour. Since I was studying for the AP German test I'd be in the German room studying with one of the exchange students on days I didn't work.

17. What was your school's full name?
Red Mountain High School

18. What was your school mascot?
Mountain Lion

19. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
I'd rather go forward than back.

20. Did you have fun at Prom?
Yes. I initially had zero intention of going and at random asked a guy I was friends with. I hollered at him from across the parking lot a weekish before because I'm classy like that.

21. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with?
Lost track of him after High School, which is pretty much the case with everyone I went to High School with.

22. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?
Moving a year after and then getting married the following year with subsequent name change and another move seems to have disappeared me off of any type of reunion mailing list. I guess I might be willing to go if I knew anything about it, but can't say for sure.

23. Are you still in contact with people from school?
I'm in contact with people I went to Elementary and Jr. High with, but my High School friends kindof fell off the face of the planet. I guess with Facebook I could hunt some of them down again, but I don't know.

24. What are/were your school's colors?
Red and Black

Copy and paste. Let's hear your story.

I had a couple lessons today with a break between. During the break I decided to pull out Charm-N and Tru-D to see what type of trouble I could get into. I haven't ponied from Charm-N and I haven't tried ponying Tru-D yet so I guess I could have prepared a little better, but we did it!

Charm-N has a monster walk and Tru-D was not fond of trying to keep up. I ended up doing a single dally on the horn, let Charm-N walk, and allowed Tru-D to figure it out. It took a while, but she finally stepped up and put slack in the rope. To emphasize that was correct I stopped Charm-N and gave both of them lots of rubs. Charm-N for being tolerant and Tru-D for figuring it out. We repeated a few times and Tru-D was quicker to step up and get slack in the line. Then we swapped sides and Charm-N got to drag Tru-D's lagging butt for almost 10 minutes before the baby decided to step up. We ended with a few good strides without Tru-D dragging and called it good.

I sense more ponying in the future.

Thursday was the Meet the Teacher at the Elementary school Tristan will be attending Preschool at. He's excited. He has only one kid older than him in class, but that's okay. I just hope he doesn't get bored.

I think I finally feel like An Adult. I think having a kid in school does it. Tristan starts Tuesday and it will be three days for three hours each. We'll see if Kelhan misses him or not.

It's crazy-hot. Supposed to be 114 or somesuch today. I finished lessons at 9am, but had a working student 9-10. The stalls got cleaned along with the little turnout. I got a couple things done while she worked then helped get Ruby's stall done. It'll be nice doing just the arena Monday after getting it done Thursday too. Hurrah working students! I can't wait to have a few hours a week of them again.

Both the truck and Jeep got oil changes this week. The Jeep has a crack in the windshield washer fluid resivoir. It's covered by warranty, but only for another 500 miles so we'll be taking it in again next week.

Tru-D is slowly trying to catch up to Ruby.

It helps that Ruby is standing in a hole.

horses: tru-d, horses, work, family, working student, tristan, vehicles, kelhan, charm-n

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