Driving Clinic und mehr

Jan 25, 2016 22:21

Life is at one of those places where there's almost too much going on to get down properly so we'll start with the big fun thing and go from there.

Chris and I did our annual thing going into Tonto Basin for the Draft Horse Driving Clinic. This was, I think, the eighth year they have held it and the fourth time we have attended.

We got to drive a four-up hitch with the sulky plow, which was a first and awesome! Especially once they got the lead mare's right rein sorted and we weren't relying on the left leader to make her turn!

They also broke out the walking plow, which we didn't try, but got a few pictures of. They had a grader hooked up to one of the forecarts, but they were juggling horses around and I only got to drive it to park it. It did balance the cart out nicely and made it easy to unhitch!

At the last minute Thursday I decided to take both of the Mamiyas. I filled up my film holders, which I have two of for the RB67 and four for the 645. I grabbed my oldest (read: terribly expired, but still good because they get stored in the fridge) rolls, plus a roll of Ilford B&W (couldn't tell you the last time I shot Ilford...). I ended up taking four rolls of Portra 160, my last roll of Ektachrome (sp? my last chance to shoot it, Kodak stopped making it), and the roll of Ilford. I'm not super keen on color print film anymore, but since the Portra was free (thanks Mr. Grant!) I'll shoot it.

I shot two rolls in the RB67 and two in the 645 the first day, which meant I didn't do too much driving that morning, but that's fine by me. I made up for it in the afternoon. Saturday was a bit cloudy and dull to start so I saved my last two rolls until it cleared up.

Chris and I hooked Red up single at one point because all of the teams were occupied. Bill said he'd never driven him single, but we should be okay with him. Daniel later informed us the gelding had been driven single, but probably not for a good decade. Red was a perfect gentleman, if a bit vocal. He walked like a slug, but rather have that than too much!

I do admit the adjustable axel on the White Horse forecart is awesome and, even with just an implement seat on it, it rides very nice. Maybe someday we'll upgrade our forecart, but a nice pleasure/marathon cart first.

Kitt's new bridle arrived, but the browband was smaller than discussed. I'm going to just get a second browband because maybe Tru-D won't have such a fat head and she'll eventually inherit it, ha! And spare parts aren't bad.

Speaking of Tru-D she got her first experience with the bit today. I don't plan on working her with a bit until she has a full mouth (after all of her adult teeth come in, about five years old), but I do want her to get used to just carrying it like I did with Z. Tru-D did well taking it, but wasn't too keen on not being able to spit it out. She kept gaping and expecting it to drop out of her mouth. I took it off after fifteen minutes or so and plan on repeating it now and again as I remember.

horses: tru-d, horses, kitt, h-4 driving clinic, horse driving, mamiya, photography, mamiya rb67, mamiya 645

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