Wie arbeite ich

Oct 19, 2015 13:44

This is part of my writing process:

Print it out, read, scrawl notes/proofread/write more.

So "Forged by Fire" has been burning in my brain the last two weeks (yes, yes, pun). I don't really know what got it going. Maybe making the concerted effort to do some sort of artmaking on a daily basis for Inktober started it, but whatever did it, it's going and it feels awesome.

I have no more time than I did before, and probably less with the added lessons, but it feels important right now and I am making the time and I'm spending less time idly poking around my phone and the boys are scribbling on my papers and that's okay, even if I have to pry my pen out of their hands or give up and grab a new one I am WRITING.

I've made some posts at lemyes and have done some in the last month at kashian as well for anyone remotely interested because I try not to spam here with such things too much.

ANYWAY! Now is finding the time to sit down and type up what I've written and then print out a fresh copy and also do some copy and pasting over to the community because I like having that date stamp on it.

It's so nice having it right there again. It's been far too long (years!) since I've written like this and that's okay because sometimes it comes and it goes and it always seems that writing and drawing just beget more of the same, but priming the pump is the hardest thing.

And now I need to muck and get the horses their psyllium in preparation for lesson this afternoon. We're still soggy, but the roundpen is dry enough for some work.

horses, writing, lemyes

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